Service Programs
To cultivate the spirit of one family under God, UPF offers disaster relief and organizes service projects such as caring for public spaces, supporting access to education, promoting good health, and providing medical supplies.
- Written by: Oscar E.V. Fernando, Asian Tribune
A Religious Youth Service project Aug. 27-Sept. 3, 2006, at Kandapola brought together participants in a common bond to help renovate a government school building and provide it with pipe-borne water.
- Written by: RYS-Sri Lanka
Bata Atha, Sri Lanka— An RYS project was held in “Bata Atha,” a remote village in the southern part of Sri Lanka. This area was the worst hit area by the tsunami in December 2004. RYS committee decided to build a community center for the people affected by the tsunami.
- Written by: RYS - Zambia
Ndola, Zambia - The Mackenzie community in Ndola, northern Zambia, welcomed 40 young people from nine nations who came on Aug. 10, 2005 to help at a school for orphans as part of an International Relief Friendship Foundation project.
- Written by: Massimo Trombin, International Relief Friendship Foundation
In Bethlehem, a father had been without work for the last five years, and unable to fully support the family's needs because of the political and social circumstances in the region. Previously, he was working in Israel with a construction company, but with the closing of the border between the two areas, it became more and more difficult to find employment.