La question religieuse dans un État laïque
- Saturday, November 8, 2014
Montreal, Canada - Le samedi 8 novembre à Montréal la Fédération pour la paix universelle (FPU) tenait le colloque La question religieuse dans un État laïque : la religion doit-elle être écartée de la vie publique?
- Wednesday, November 5, 2014
INTERFAITH PROGRAMS On local, national, and global levels, interreligious councils provide a platform for people of diverse faiths to contribute their wisdom and work effectively for peace alongside representatives of government, business, and civil society. |
A REALISTIC APPROACH UPF acknowledges the need for careful and measurable use of enforcement such as political, military, and civil power to sustain lasting peace. At the same time we strongly emphasize the pursuit of internal solutions that are essential to peacebuilding. UPF has been a leading exponent of “track two” diplomacy, with particular emphasis on the role and responsibility of religious and spiritual leaders to transcend historical self-interest and pursue the ideal of “One family under God.” |
Find out more on our areas of focus: |
ECOSOC UPF is an NGO in General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. We support and promote the work of the United Nations and the achievement of sustainable development goals. |
STRENGTHENING FAMILIES Marriage, parenting, and the family are the foundations of sustainable human development and the building blocks of society. Educational programs present the personal and social benefits of marriage, promote a marriage-friendly culture, teach relationship skills, and encourage spiritual growth through relationships. |
EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN Women can bring vital feminine perspectives to the peace process. UPF supports UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which calls for increasing involvement of women in preventing and resolving conflicts, peace negotiations, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction. Furthermore, the majority of the poor people of the world are women and children, and global poverty cannot be solved without the empowerment of women and the leadership of women. Read more on the empowerment of women |
WORLD PEACE BLESSING Participants in World Peace Marriage Blessing ceremonies make a sacred promise of mutual love and faithfulness. International and interreligious couples pledge to bridge divides of culture, race, and religion for the sake of peace. Read more on the World Peace Blessing |
PEACE EDUCATION UPF's leadership conferences and seminars focus on the urgent need for new vision and leadership based on core values and universal principles of peacebuilding. |
CHARACTER EDUCATION UPF’s character education curriculum offers comprehensive moral education for students ages 6-18. Textbooks and teacher manuals feature stories along with interactive exercises. Read more on Character Education |
RELIGIOUS YOUTH SERVICE, YOUTH UPF, AND SERVICE PROGRAMS Service-learning programs bring together youth from different cultures and religions in order to promote mutual understanding and respect. Participants serve a community in need, visit religious and historic sites, and learn communication and team-building skills. Read more on Religious Youth Service |
UPF Argentina en jornada intercultural en San Martín
- Sunday, October 26, 2014
San Martín, Argentina - UPF Argentina participó de la fiesta de la diversidad cultural propiciada durante toda la jornada 26 de octubre por el Municipio de San Martín.
UPF-Argentina Participates in Intercultural Day in San Martín
- Sunday, October 26, 2014
San Martin, Argentina – UPF-Argentina joined 50 other organizations in a festival of cultural diversity on Oct. 26, 2014,in a municipality near Buenos Aires.
IV Edición de Premios “Voluntariado y Bien Común” en Argentina
- Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Está abierta la postulación para la cuarta edición de los Premios “Voluntariado y Bien Común”, que organiza anualmente UPF Argentina con el objeto de “dar visibilidad y reconocimiento a organizaciones o voluntarios que invierten corazón y recursos para desarrollar proyectos en búsqueda del ‘bien común’”.
Antología de la UPF-Argentina “Sentido y Paz” presentada en Simposio Internacional
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina - La Antología “Sentido y Paz” – UPF Argentina fue presentada el 21 de octubre en la XL Simposio Internacional de Literatura organizado por el Instituto Literario y Cultural Hispánico (ILCH).
La jeunesse face à l'extrémisme
- Saturday, October 18, 2014
Paris, France - Le 18 octobre 2014, au Centre Culture et Paix à Paris, a eu lieu un atelier sur le thème de « La jeunesse face à l'extrémisme », ciblant la tragédie des jeunes qui quittent leurs familles pour rejoindre les rangs du « djihad » au Moyen-Orient.
About the Founders
- Thursday, October 16, 2014
Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, founded the Universal Peace Federation in 2005.
¡Abajo las armas! A 100 años del inicio de la primera guerra mundial
- Thursday, October 9, 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina - “¡Abajo las armas!” fue el título bajo el cual el Lic. Bernardo del Guercio expuso sobre la primera mujer premio Nobel de la Paz, Bertha von Suttner, mientras la Dra. Alicia Berini compartió su experiencia del encuentro interreligioso “La paz es el futuro” de septiembre en Amberes (Bélgica), en una velada llevada a cabo el 9 de octubre en la Embajada para la Paz en Buenos Aires.
Donate to the Universal Peace Federation
- Monday, October 6, 2014
UPF and its global network of Ambassadors for Peace bring universal, spiritual principles to the task of resolving conflict and reconciling the divided human family.
Thank you for you generosity. We appreciate your donation to our international peace effort.
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and all donations are tax deductible in the United States.
Receipts are automatically provided for donations of or above $250.00.
Embajadores para la Paz se reunen en Chile
- Friday, October 3, 2014
Santiago, Chile - El 03 de Octubre de 2014, se realizó una reunión especial de Embajadores para la Paz, con la visita especial del Dr. Charles S. Yang, Presidente de la UPF Internacional y el Rev. Dong Mo Shin, líder de UPF en América del Sur y el Secretario General de UPF en América del Sur Pr. Simao Ferabolli.
Almuerzo de confraternidad en Museo Judío de Buenos Aires
- Monday, September 29, 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Un ambiente de confraternidad prevaleció en un almuerzo realizado en el Bar Restaurante del Museo Judío de Buenos Aires, el 29 de septiembre, con la participación de referentes espirituales, de entidades comunitarias y de las más diversas organizaciones de la sociedad civil.