Heiner HandschinChemin de la Pierreire 1D
Case postale 84
1092 Belmont-sur-Lausanne
41 21 729 9862
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—A UPF webinar discussed how North Korea can integrate itself peacefully into the world economy.
Geneva, Switzerland—Korea’s religious and cultural heritage may provide clues for unifying the peninsula, experts say.
Geneva, Switzerland—Prominent religious leaders spoke at a webinar titled “Religion – A Way to Peace or a Cause of Conflict?”
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—UPF held a webinar on “Incentives for a Rapprochement on the Korean Peninsula.”
Geneva, Switzerland—IAPD co-sponsored a two-day conference on “Empowering Youth for Peace.”
Bern, Switzerland—Bicyclists rode through the Swiss countryside in a Peace Road commemoration of International Youth Day.
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—An Africa Day commemoration discussed violence against women and government corruption.
Geneva, Switzerland—UPF held its first seminar of the year for Ambassadors for Peace, with 12 attendees.
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—Africa Day was celebrated by UPF with a discussion of the power of the African diaspora to benefit Africa.
Geneva, Switzerland—UPF co-sponsored a conference on interfaith cooperation and the family, held at the World Council of Churches.
Lugano, Switzerland—“Peace Cup” football tournaments for youngsters were held this year in Switzerland, Italy and Albania.
Geneva, Switzerland—The Swiss chapters of UPF and two affiliated organizations have opened a joint office.
Geneva, Switzerland—The Geneva/Swiss chapter of the interfaith association was inaugurated in the Ecumenical Center of Geneva.
Bern, Switzerland—Two teams of bicyclists arrived in the Swiss capital at the end of a Peace Road event that covered a combined 400 kilometers (more than 248 miles).
Geneva, Switzerland—A consultation on creating a chapter of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) was held at the World Council of Churches offices.
Novazzano, Switzerland—Twelve teams of children from Switzerland and Italy competed in the football tournament known as the Peace Cup.
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—Twenty couples, representing different faiths and cultural backgrounds, took part in an International Peace Blessing ceremony.
Geneva, Switzerland—The 2017 Peace Road recalled the visits to Switzerland between 2005 and 2011 of the late UPF founder.
Novazzano, Switzerland—Ten teams of schoolchildren took part in the 2017 Peace Cup soccer tournament, which “entertains and socializes [and is] not just a competition.”
Geneva, Switzerland—The 2016 Peace Road urged the UN to open an office in Korea and honored the memory of a well-known peace bicyclist.