

Heiner Handschin
Chemin de la Pierreire 1D
Case postale 84
1092 Belmont-sur-Lausanne
41 21 729 9862

Global Peace Council Member

Hon. Ricardo Lumengo
Former Member, Parliament of the Swiss Confederation

National Peace Council Member

H.E. Makarim Wibisono
Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations

Geneva, Switzerland - A Model UN interreligious council session on the topic of multiculturalism took place at the UN headquarters in Geneva on Sept. 23, 2011.

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Geneva, Switzerland - As a continuation of the series of conferences held at the United Nations in Geneva and New York, as well as in London, Bergamo, and Fribourg, Switzerland on interreligious/intercultural peacebuilding since 2008, a full-day symposium was held to commemorate the International Day of Peace in Geneva on September 23.

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Geneva, Switzerland - Soprano soloist Seiko Lee gave a concert on August 31 to raise funds for humanitarian relief in Haiti at the Temple de la Servette in Geneva. Rev. William McComish, pastor of the church, introduced the event, and Dr. Alexandre, representing Haiti's Ambassador to the UN offices in Geneva, gave welcoming remarks.

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Geneva, Switzerland - The 8th Youth Summit on Human Rights took place in Geneva August 26-28 on the theme “to create leaders through human rights education."

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Geneva, Switzerland - After a few guitar and piano pieces performed by Nicolas and Nathalie Komagata the August 27 meeting of Ambassadors for Peace started with personal introductions and expressions of opinion on the topic of multiculturalism and peace.

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The UN’s global governance can only help to bring a meta-perspective on the human behavior towards religious containment and go beyond the concept of separation to bring religions to speak in one voice with different languages. This common agenda and spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is without a doubt peace. Keeping this common goal in mind, it is evident that all actors are important for the success of current and future peace initiatives at the United Nations. Let us not forget that peace is the founding principle and guiding force for which the United Nations was created.

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Biel, Switzerland - To create synergy among people from different parts of Africa and Switzerland, the Komagata family hosted 12 people from different African countries at a March meeting to plan an event in honor of Africa Day. Each representative brought creativity and great interest in the goal of organizing a unique program.

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Geneva, Switzerland - The majestic circular room of the Palais des Nations at the UN headquarters in Geneva was filled to capacity on May 13, 2011, for an address by UPF Founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon.

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Geneva, Switzerland - The Chapel of the World Council of Churches in Geneva was filled to overflowing with an exciting intergenerational, international, and interreligious mix to explore the theme "A New Paradigm for Global Family in a Culture of Peace" on May 13. It was wonderful to see young people in their late teens and early twenties, some parents themselves with young children of their own, and older couples filled with maturity and wisdom accrued through parenting, grandparenting, and a lifelong practice of spiritual principles all gathered in this international place of worship to explore the importance of family for peace.

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Novazzano, Switzerland - the Universal Peace Federation of Ticino organized the first Peace Cup tournament in the town of Novazzano. This football tournament brought together 12 teams of children for a day of sports under the motto “Play Football Make Peace.”

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Bienne, Switzerland - In commemoration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, a marriage renewal ceremony in Bienne on Jan. 23, 2011, highlighted the pivotal role of marriage in creating a culture of peace.

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People want peace in our time, peace tomorrow, and peace in this new millennium. We want religion to be an asset for peace and not a liability, and African Religion is potentially one such strong asset. It does not preach, foster, or justify war between communities or nations. That makes it a challenge to the institutions of the other religions, to engrave the message of peace at all levels of life, in both internal and international relations.

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Bern, Switzerland - Former Swiss Federal President and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Hon. Mr. Adolf Ogi, joined the ranks of the Universal Peace Federation's Ambassadors for Peace at a gathering in Fraubrunnen. 

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Geneva and Bern, Switzerland - The Universal Peace Federation's United Nations Office in Geneva convened three consultations in August and September 2010 in Geneva and Bern on the proposal to establish an interreligious council at the UN.

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Fribourg, Switzerland - An International Day of Peace celebration was held at the University of Fribourg on September 17. Hon. Arnold Kohler, twice President of Switzerland, gave the keynote address, on the theme of “Federalism and Peace.”

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Geneva, Switzerland - UPF-Switzerland convened a consultation /brainstorming session on a proposed interreligious council at the UN with knowledgeable and concerned Ambassadors for Peace and new participants on August 11 at the Peace Embassy.

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Geneva, Switzerland - “Since the crisis hit in 2008, some 53 million people in the developing world have fallen below the poverty line and more than 100 million additional people are going hungry" This was reported at the second annual public symposium of the UN Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva May 10-11.

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Geneva, Switzerland - A disarmament seminar at the UN offices included a model UN interreligious council.

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Geneva, Switzerland - A seminar on Sept. 23, 2009, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva focused on disarmament, in collaboration with the UN Institute on Disarmament.

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La Fédération pour la paix universelle (FPU) a parrainé conjointement avec l'Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement (UNIDIR), la Mission permanente d'Indonésie auprès de l'ONU à Genève, et l'Alliance interreligieuse et interculturelle de Genève (GIIA), un important séminaire sur le désarmement aux Nations Unies à Genève. Elle a réuni des experts gouvernementaux, onusiens et des ONG en matière de désarmement, ainsi que les délégués du conseil interreligieux des jeunes de la GIIA, dont près de 70 étudiants des universités de Lausanne et de Genève.

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