Heiner HandschinChemin de la Pierreire 1D
Case postale 84
1092 Belmont-sur-Lausanne
41 21 729 9862
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland—The responsibility of migrants was the topic of discussion at the 2016 Africa Day celebration attended by around 35 people.
Novazzano, Switzerland—A children’s soccer tournament that rewards friendly and sportsmanlike behavior was held in the Italian-speaking Swiss canton of Ticino.
Zürich, Switzerland—The 2015 International Day of Peace was celebrated with music, education and a peace march through Switzerland’s largest city.
Bern, Switzerland—Africa’s contributions to world peace were the focus of UPF-Switzerland’s commemoration of Africa Day.
Geneva, Switzerland - UPF organized a conference on "The Role of Dialogue and Understanding Towards a De-Escalation on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia" at the Palais des Nations (UN headquarters) in Geneva on Oct. 31, 2014.
Zurich, Switzerland - Approximately 80 people took part in a Family and Peace Festival in Zurich on Sept. 21, 2014.
Geneva, Switzerland - Three side events were held during Sessions 27 of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Sept. 12-16, 2014, in support of the Resolution on the Protection of the Family.
There are political and economic forces that use religions and religious identity to divide people and conquer. That is the world we are living in and the enemy of good real religion, of real religion; and of humanity in general.
Geneva, Switzerland - A conference on "Family Values and Their Link to Economic Well-being and Social Outcomes" took place at the UN headquarters in Geneva June 30-July 1, 2014.
Genève, Suisse - La Fédération pour la Paix Universelle, le Fribourg Peace Forum et la Fédération des Femmes pour la Paix, en partenariat avec la Diaspora congolaise en Suisse, ont organisé une conférence le 26 mai 2014 au Palais des Nations, Genève pour contribuer à un règlement pacifique de la crise en RDC.
Geneva, Switzerland - A conference at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on May 26, 2014, sought to contribute to a peaceful settlement of the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Bienne and Geneva, Switzerland - A celebration of Africa Day in Bienne, on May 24, 2014, showcased talents of youth and promoted harmony between the generations and between people from Africa and the general population of Switzerland. Two days later, an international conference took place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva on the theme "Towards Lasting Peace and Reconciliation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Role of Religion, Women and Civil Society."
Bienne, Suisse - Pour la 4ème année consécutive, la Journée d’Afrique a vu le jour après 11 mois de préparatifs du comité d’organisation représentant 9 associations. Il a été décidé de réaliser un événement sous la houlette des jeunes, pour qu’ils se sentent impliqués dans le futur de leur pays d’accueil et d’origine.
Ticino, Switzerland - UPF-Ticino held the third annual Peace Cup children's soccer tournament on May 1, 2014, in cooperation with the soccer association of Novazzano.
Geneva, Switzerland - UPF convened a “Geneva: Track 2” forum in Switzerland Jan. 23-25, 2014, concurrent with the “Geneva II” inter-governmental conference on the crisis in Syria.
Genève, Suisse - Un programme spécial intitulé « Genève : Track II » s'est tenu à Genève, en Suisse, les 23 et 24 janvier, en même temps que la conférence inter-gouvernementale "Genève II" qui vise à apporter une solution pacifique à la crise en Syrie. Vidéo: Une heure de prières pour la paix, la réconciliation en Syrie
Geneva, Switzerland - As Syria's civil war continued, UPF convened a “Track 2” conference in Geneva on Jan. 23, 2014 on the theme of "Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria: The Significance of Religion, Faith-Based Organizations and Civil Society."
Novazzano, Switzerland - UPF-Ticino held the second Peace Cup tournament in the town of Novazzano on May 5. This event brought together 11 teams of young soccer players for one day of sports under the motto “Play Football Make Peace.”
Geneva, Switzerland - In cooperation with partners of different faith communities and intercultural associations, UPF held a Valentine’s Day Evening in Geneva on Feb. 14, 2013
Geneva, Switzerland - A European Leadership Conference took place at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on "The Contribution of the Family to Peace, Human Development and Prosperity" July 5-6, 2012.