Dr. Lek Thaveetermsakul, MD4 UCF Building, Rakhamheang 24 Rd.
Huamark, Bangkapi
66-2-718-7766 ext. 220, 230
Bangkok, Thailand - Fifty-six participants from nine countries tasted Thai hospitality and learned about Dr. Sun Myung Moon's universal principles of peace at an Asian Leadership Conference August 1-5.
Bangkok, Thailand - A total of 56 participants from four nations attended a four-day seminar in Bangkok, Thailand, July 10-14, 2013 that centered on UPF’s Principles of Peace.
Bangkok, Thailand - In commemoration of the United Nations’ International Day of Families, UPF-Thailand and the Family Federation for World Peace-Thailand held two seminars: in Bangkok May 6-8 and in Kalasin province May 10 and 11.
Bangkok, Thailand - The Chairman of the Committee of Religions, Art and Culture of the House of Representative of Parliament of Thailand gave the keynote address at a Feb. 7, 2013 conference in Bangkok on "Interreligious Principles for Strengthening Families."
Chiangmai, Thailand - Around 400 couples participated in an Interfaith Peace Festival on Dec. 23, 2012 at Hangdong Municipality Hall in the Hangdong district of Chiangmai province in northern Thailand.
Hat Yai City, Songkhla Province, Thailand – An interreligious wedding and marriage rededication of 1,100 took place in Hat Yai and Songkhla on Oct. 7, 2012.
Songkhla, Thailand – UPF-Thailand took a step forward to peace in a separatist area of southern Thailand with a conference in Songkhla on the topic “Good Governance and Interreligious Cooperation for Lasting Peace” Oct. 5–7, 2012.
Bangkok, Thailand - UPF-Thailand and the Family Federation for World Peace-Thailand celebrated the International Day of Families in Bangkok on May 13.
Since 1989, Religious Youth Service has been organizing interfaith service-learning projects for youth in various parts of Thailand. Here is a sampling of reports of projects through 2012.
Baan Dadthongchareon, Thailand - A Religious Youth Project in an agricultural community in northern Thailand from March 15 to 19 promoted understanding, friendship, and harmony among participants. The 70 Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, and Catholic youth worked together to improve a children's playground, build vegetable and fruit gardens, repair the road inside the school compound, and build a water drainage system.
Bangkok, Thailand - UPF-Thailand joined hands with other religious organizations to organize a World Interfaith Harmony Week program at its Peace Embassy in Bangkok on February 7. The 300 people in attendance included Buddhist monks, religious leaders, civil society leaders, NGO representatives, military and government representatives, Ambassadors for Peace, and youth leaders.
Address to the International Leadership Conference, Seoul, Korea, January 2012
Developments in the Pattani region of southern Thailand over the centuries are given as an example of people of different faiths living together.
Bangkok, Thailand - UPF launched "Peace Volunteer Thailand" with a mobilization of Muslim, Christian and Buddhist to clean flood damage at a Muslim school in Bangkok on Dec. 8, 2011.
Bangkok, Thailand - Volunteers provided food and supplies to people in Bangkok and provinces to the north affected by flooding in October and November 2011 and helped strengthen barriers against rising waters.
Bangkok, Thailand - Thailand is facing its worst flooding in over 50 years with the water levels as high as three meters (ten feet) in certain parts of the country. It has claimed the lives of over 500 people so far, and hundreds of thousands of people are homeless.
Bangkok, Thailand - The Interreligious Peace Council of Thailand was inaugurated in Bangkok on the International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011.
Students in schools throughout Thailand opened the school day on the International Day of Peace, September 21, by observing one minute of silent prayer and meditation for peace and by listening to readings of peace messages from the UN Secretary General and the Prime Minister of Thailand.
Bangkok, Thailand - UPF-Thailand organized video clip contest on the theme "Peace is ... what is peace in your mind?" to raise awareness of the UN International Day of Peace. The contest was promoted on university campuses, the mass media, and social networking sites. Prizes were awarded at the International Day of Peace commemoration in Bangkok on September 21.
Bangkok, Thailand - The Committee for the Establishment of an Interreligious Peace Council in Thailand held consultations in August 2011 in preparation the council's formation on Sept. 21, 2011.
Bangkok, Thailand - The proposal to establish an Interreligious Peace Council in Thailand is gaining momentum as committee members visit national leaders of the various religions in Thailand.