
Interfaith Peacebuilding


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Interfaith Programs

UPF organizes programs that help build understanding, respect and cooperation among people of different faiths.

Netanya, Israel—For its March 2015 meeting, the Jerusalem Interfaith Forum visited the city of Netanya and was warmly welcomed by Rabbi Edgar Nof and his Netan-ya Congregation community.

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Sydney, Australia—A small but select number of faith leaders were invited to an interfaith forum that sought to build on the successes of an earlier forum.

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SouthAfrica DPSeminar 2015 01 27

Johannesburg, South Africa - The executive committee of the All African Federation of Churches (AAFC) attended a three-day introduction to the teachings of UPF Founder Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

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Russia Choir 2015 01 27

St. Petersburg, Russia - An interfaith music festival at a Christian university featured two songs with lyrics written by UPF Founder Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

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In support of UN General Assembly Resolution 64/81 on the Promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation for peace and the proposal introduced by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan, UPF issued a statement in support of interfaith efforts to address critical global problems.

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Moscow, Russia - UPF-Eurasia announces the publication of the Russian translation of the anthology of sacred texts World Scripture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon.

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Minna, Nigeria - Women and youth leaders in Nigeria attended a one-day seminar on strengthening interreligious relations, peacebuilding and security consciousness.

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Nigeria Summit 2014 12 12

Abuja, Nigeria – At a summit held in December, leading Nigerians formulated goals and action plans in the next step toward national unification.

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Israel Sheik Aasi 2014 12 11

Acre, Israel - The Jerusalem Interfaith Forum met in December for a special occasion, in support of the Imam Sheik Samir Aasi.

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Bratislava, Slovakia - A forum reviewing progress in religious freedom in Eastern Europe took place Dec. 3, 2014.

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Abuja, Nigeria - A Religious Youth Assembly in Abuja Nov. 29, 2014, focused on the role of religion in pace, security and countering violent extremism in Nigeria.

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I'billin, Israel - During a time of escalating tension among religious groups, leaders from Israel’s four main religions came together for a Nov. 26, 2014, forum on "Religion and Reconciliation."

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