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Memorial Condolences


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Rahim A. Huseynov

I feel deeply grieved by the sad news about the unexpected decease of the Universal Peace Federation’s Founder, true champion and advocate of world peace, friendship and pure heart relationships between peoples and nations of the world, the sincerely esteemed Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

For and on behalf of Ambassadors for Peace of Azerbaijan I would like to present our deepest condolences to all members of Father Moon’s True Family, and to all those who truly shared and adhered to his ideas and teaching, to which he devoted his whole life.

Rahim A. Huseynov
Prime Minister of Azerbaijan, 1992-93

Dr. Bozidar Matic

Please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon. Reverend Moon was a person of deep faith and great courage who devoted the entire resources of the movement that he inspired and founded to the cause of establishing lasting world peace, and his influence for peace was felt all around the world.

The immense suffering and hardship that he endured for the sake of establishing a peaceful world will surely be recognized by humanity down through the ages.

Dr. Bozidar Matic
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001)
President of the National Academy of Sciences

Arnold Rüütel

Mr. and Mrs. Rüütel express their deepest condolences to the Christian community for whom the passing of Rev. Sun Myung Moon is an irreparable loss. Unfortunately, Mr Rüütel is very busy in September, which is always a month of heavy workload after the summer vacation. He trusts that his presence in spirit at the memorial service is a support for all those who are able to participate at this heart-rending event.

Inna Feldbach
Advisor-Secretary to Arnold Rüütel
President of Estonia, 2001-06

Eduard Shevardnadze

I would like to offer my sympathy and support in this difficult time. With great regret I received the news about Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s passing away. His life has always been fully devoted to the realization of his ideal of universal peace, and his achievements on this path are enormous.

I am sure that his ideas and his teaching will long live in the hearts of the people all over the world, and his name will remain a symbol of love, kindness and tolerance. Dr. Moon left behind him many followers all over the world who will do their best to justify his lofty hopes. We revere the bright memory of him!

Eduard Shevardnadze
President of Georgia, 1995-2003

Rt. Hon. Hamilton Green

I was greatly saddened by the news of the passing of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your husband, father and icon, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

He was a true parent to us all - an abiding global patriot with a passion for a world of peace. The people of Georgetown, the capital city of Guyana, my wife Jennifer, and children are in grief. At a personal level my family developed a fondness for Father Moon, and we see this as a personal loss. The world has lost an outstanding personality and a prominent religious leader, who for more than three generations led a monumental crusade to harmonize all religions and beliefs.

For this, mankind owes him a debt of gratitude. His magnificent work and vision are the things we must now all seek to realize, for the sake of this and succeeding generations. Reverend Moon's resolve, courage, and devotion to international peace and interfaith harmony will continue to be an example of lofty moral and spiritual values. I extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Moon, the children, their families, the Universal Peace Federation and the wider international fraternity of peace-loving people.

Please accept the assurance of my highest esteem and commitment to play a part in bringing about the realization of Rev. Moon’s dream for a world of peace. Our efforts must be the greatest tribute to this Great Soul.

Hamilton Green J.P.
Mayor of Georgetown
Prime Minister of Guyana, 1985-92

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

I am deeply grieved to learn the demise of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. Rev. Moon has been spreading the message of peace and harmony in the world. Rev. Moon's work in the area of inter-religious harmony will always be remembered. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and convey the same to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and other members of the family on this bereavement. I pray to Almighty to give them all the strength to bear this loss.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
President of India, 2002-07

P. Ochirbat

With surprise and regret I heard the news of Dr. Sun Myung Moon's passing, Please convey my condolences to the True Family on the death of True Father.

P. Ochirbat
President of Mongolia, 1990-97 

Sir James Mancham

It is with deep sorrows that I have just learned about the passing away of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. I was particularly impressed with his teaching that all religions in the world should put aside their differences of theology and dogma in a common search for peace.

Rev. Moon’s passing reminds me of the words of Longfellow in “The Psalms of Life”:

Lives of great men
All remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind
Footprints on the sands of time.

At this sad hour, I feel like echoing these personal sentiments –  Dr. Sun Myung Moon was a great leader. When will come such another? Of course, often at the end of a great life one finds the beginning of understanding.

Sir James R. Mancham, KBE 
President of Seychelles, 1976-77

Michal Kováč

Distinguished Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, when I was informed about the passing away of your husband I was truly shocked. Despite his high age, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon seemed to be a person of never-ending vigor and ceaseless activity. I am almost sure that not too many people are aware how great this loss for humankind is.

But future history doubtlessly will record Dr. Moon as an arduous worker against tyranny, racial discrimination, religious intolerance and narrow mindedness of any kind. Alone his investment to prevent the escalation of the Cold War makes him worthy to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. May heaven award him with something far better.

Rev. Moon has been a man of many virtues which make him a model for all fathers, husbands, teachers and leaders in this world. Thanks to heaven, his profound insights about life on earth as well as in the spirit world written down in numerous publications enrich future generations with a rich resource on how to lead better and more valuable lives. I am aware that your husband treasured you highly and that your grief must be deep. I wish you much strength to expand the precious legacy of your husband and wish you good luck for your future activities. Today's world needs true motherly love and compassionate heart more than ever.

Michal Kováč
President of Slovakia (1993-98)

Dr. Agbeyome Messan Kodjo

I am deeply shocked by the announcement of the tragic passing of Father Moon. He is a great leader whose passing is a loss to the entire world, and we appreciate the great work which he has left behind. He is the incarnation on earth of all the qualities of the son of God, Jesus Christ. History will remember that he dedicated his life to serving God and creation. May light eternal shine upon him.

Dr. Agbeyome Messan Kodjo
Prime Minister of Togo, 2000-02

Rt. Hon. Kintu Musoke

We received the news of the sudden death of Rev. Moon, the champion of world peace, with deep and instant consternation. My family and I on behalf of the peace-loving people of Uganda wish to convey our heartfelt condolences. Father Moon lived on this earth during the time when the world greatly needed peace. He was a God-sent emissary of peace with a solid divine calling which enabled him to establish in a very short time the Universal Peace Federation in 180 countries. May he rest in eternal peace and the work he started continue forever.

Rt. Hon. Kintu Musoke
Prime Minister of Uganda, 1994-99

Lady Carla Davis

It is with deep sadness that I learned about the passing of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. The world has lost one of the its most dynamic, one-of-a-kind global peace makers and leaders. I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to Rev. Moon's wife, her whole family, and the whole UPF family, which I am proud to be a member of. When my late husband (Sir Thomas Davis, KBE) and I were invited to attend an International Leadership Conference in June 2005 in Tokyo Japan, we accepted with great enthusiasm. 

My husband and I were not of any one religious denomination, yet we enthusiastically supported Rev. Moon’s extraordinary endeavor for global peace. At the conference in Japan we met and bonded with world leaders and diplomats, from many different countries and of all religious affiliations. It was immensely inspiring and we were all well taken care of. 

What was so amazing was the fact that we all had one thing in common.... We were there because we were all on the same wave length and strongly supported Father Moon’s passion for world peace.  It was truly heart-warming to know that we were not alone in our deep concern about global conflicts and tyranny, and our strong desire for world peace.

Thanks to the generosity, vision, and courage of Rev. and Mrs. Moon there was now a bold movement and strong support for world peace.   In August 2010, I was invited to the UPF Legacy of Peace Program, at the Oceania Peace Embassy, Sydney, in honor of those who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of others. My late husband was one of them being honored. It was the year Rev. Dr. Moon celebrated his 90th birthday and the publication of his autobiography. This was a beautifully healing experience, which I will never forget. The kindness of Rev. and Mrs. Ledesma and all those who made this such a special event will forever remain in my heart.

On September 3, 2012, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon may have passed on, but undoubtedly his legacy and the seeds he planted for world peace will live on, grow, and eventually bear fruit. As a proud member of the UPF family, I will continue to serve honorably in my position as Ambassador for Peace for the UPF and Rev. Moon’s goal of world peace.

Last but not least, I wish to I thank, from the bottom of my heart Father and Mother Moon and the whole UPF family for providing me, as a UPF Ambassador for Peace, with an inspirational beacon, the opportunity to connect and serve with others, and the UPF platform to pursue global peace!

With deepest sympathy, much gratitude, and many blessings,

Lady Carla Davis

Elmira Suleymanova, Zaur Aliyev, Rashid Rumzada

We learned with deepest sorrow about the passing away of Dr. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Universal Peace Federation. Dr. Moon, who said "To live day and night to ensure peace was not easy but it was my only aspiration," is no longer among us. He devoted entire of his life to creating bridges among different countries and different ideologies as well as religious people of different beliefs. His death is great loss for all of us. As Ambassadors for Peace from Azerbaijan we would like to extend our sincere condolences to his family, the people from Korea and other countries, and to the all peace lovers worldwide. Rest in peace!

Prof. Elmira Suleymanova
Zaur Aliyev
Rashid Rumzada

Ambassadors for Peace from the Republic of Azerbaijan

Kazi Nurul Islam

We are terribly shocked to learn the sad news of our spiritual leader, Father Moon. Our language fails to express how deeply and profoundly we feel pain in our heart. On behalf of the members of the Universal Peace Federation of Bangladesh and on behalf of all the followers of Father Moon in Bangladesh, we express our heartfelt condolence to all the members of Father Moon's family, particularly to Mother Moon. We pray to God that He gives them the strength to bear this pain. We share our pain with all the followers and admirers of Father Moon throughout the world. We promise to work hard to fulfill the mission of Father Moon. We must remember that Father Moon was a messenger of peace on earth. We feel proud of having been blessed by this messenger of peace on earth. We pray to God for his eternal peace in the heaven. Kazi Nurul Islam Secretary General Universal Peace Federation-Bangladesh

Arlette Brus and Robert Vandemeulebroucke

It is with sorrow that we learned about the passing of a great man, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, a man of peace par excellence, a unifier and gatherer. We offer to Mrs. Moon, her family, and all our friends of the Universal Peace Federation around the world our most sincere condolences.

Arlette Brus, Ambassador for Peace
Robert Vandemeulebroucke, Honorary Ambassador, Belgium


I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of Rev. Moon. After meeting three former popes and former presidents of various nations including President Nelson Mandela, I had an opportunity to meet with Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the peace movement in Korea. He said to me that, since football is the largest organization in the world and a very important means of propagating the message of peace, I hold a great responsibility. I hope that, just as Rev. Moon had endeavored to bring about peace, his cooperators and his followers will continue to work for peace.


Prince Norodom Sirivudh

Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who has accomplished great work in incredibly various fields such as religion, education, business, culture, sports, and maybe much more. It was my privilege to welcome Father and Mother Moon when they visited Cambodia for the first time. He was strong at the age of 85, speaking for more than three hours with passion and love. He conveyed to us that we have to establish a peaceful nation starting from the unity between mind and body and husband and wife. He also invited me their suite to spend time with them. Even at the last moment he invited me to share a final message in his jet plane. I felt as if I was embraced by my father. Mother Moon, may you find peace and strength by knowing that many people all over the world who knew him are supporting your ongoing work of peacebuilding.

H.R.H. Prince Norodom Sirivudh
Supreme Privy Counselor to His Majesty the King of Cambodia

Son Soubert

It is with great regret that I have learned of the passing away of Father Moon. We pray the Lord to keep him in His blessings. I learned a great deal from the teachings of Reverend Moon and his vision of one family under God. Please convey my deep condolences and sincere sympathy to the members of Reverend Moon's family during this period of trial.

Son Soubert
Former Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Former Member of the Constitutional Council
Former Vice President of the Cambodian Red Cross
Presently High Privy Councillor of His Majesty the King of Cambodia

Hon. Jean Augustine

My sincerest sympathy on the passing of Rev. Dr. Moon. Please be consoled by the realization that his life has touched so many in many positive and uplifting ways. Let us continue to spread the love that he so generously conveyed. May the angels be there to receive him and may he rest in peace. His work is finished here on earth. To us he passed the torch. Let us carry on loving each other and making a difference in the world.

Hon. Jean Augustine
Fairness Commissioner - Ontario
Former Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament, Canada

Armand and Denise La Barge

Our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences on Rev. Dr. Moon's passing. He was an incredible man who left a deep and lasting legacy behind. I don't think the world really knows how influential he was in so many spheres. I am sure they will come to realize that, now that he has passed away. His many contributions to this world will not be forgotten.

Armand and Denise La Barge
Former Chief of Police, York Region, Canada

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