Krishna AdhikariR-11, FIRST FLOOR
New Delhi
New Delhi, India—Hosted by Chetanalaya, a social action NGO of the Catholic Diocese of New Delhi, RYS volunteers offered their labor in building a community center which served both the Muslim and Hindu Residents of Janta Colony in Jaffarabad. The efforts drew the cooperation from both communities in laying the foundation stones and stimulated further work together for community improvements.
Karukutty, Kerala, South India— RYS worked on widening rural village roads along with local villages based on the foundation of Gramswaraj, a Gandhian rural development outreach based at the Mohatma Gandhi University.
Madurai, India— The participants worked on the construction of a new wing at a boarding school for Harijan children and help work on landscaping the area so it is safer for the children to play.
Bangalore, India— The small and enthusiastic group of RYS volunteers cleared grounds and worked on light restoration at a school for Spastic Children.
Madurai, South India— The RYS Peace Festival was a unique event for the RYS as it was a week full of local and community based events which involved the schools of the community in a variety of activities.
New Delhi, India—The RYS Global Congress (RYSGF) centered on ten unique week long seminars. The ten workshops were led by the most experienced and qualified advisors and graduates from the RYS and its sister project, The Youth Seminar for the World Religion's (YSWR).
Vrindaban, India—The RYS participants worked to restore and paint old Hindu temple and spent much time excavating sacred monuments at a burial site that were covered by the passage over hundreds of years.
Vrindaban, India—The RYS participants worked to restore and paint old Hindu temple and spent much time excavating sacred monuments at a burial site that were covered by the passage over hundreds of years.
Cochin, Kerela, India—This project had a powerful impact on the Kochin and India interfaith community because of its linkage to the WFIRC interfaith meeting. Several interfaith leaders in the Kerala area were moved by the RYS and they helped make a foundation for further activities in that state.
Madras, India—From October 25 to November 7, substantial work was carried out in extending classrooms and restoring part of a famous old school.
New Dehli, India— RYS participants worked from January 4th to the 11th to restore parts of a Methodist Church and also repaired portions of a Delhi mosque to model the cooperation between people of faith.