Kiev, Ukraine - An international conference on “Toward a Great Country through a Great National Idea,” attended by 110 participants, took place in Kiev, Ukraine, on October 18. At the beginning of the event the Trio of Bandura Players of the National Radio Company performed for the participants, creating by their music a special atmosphere for the conference because a very urgent theme was to be discussed.
Kiev, Ukraine - UPF volunteers organized a project named "Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future" on September 21 dedicated to the International Day of Peace. It was held at Kiev boarding school №2 for children with special challenges of physical and intellectual development. Seven UPF volunteers and 35 children from 5th and 7th grades participated in the program.
Kiev, Ukraine - An International Day of Families program took place in the children’s home “Malyatko” in Kiev on May 19 by the efforts of UPF volunteers. Fifteen children participated, along with their teachers and six UPF volunteers.
Kiev, Ukraine - A spring art contest for compositions on the theme “The Great Day of Easter” took place in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, on April 20. The project was initiated by the Kiev Center of Families, the Universal Peace Federation, and a grassroots organization of families with many children in the Shevchenko district of Kiev.
Kiev, Ukraine - The third international children-and-youth choreography festival and contest on the theme “Dancing Beyond Borders-2012” that took place in Kiev on April 6 and 7 was a real pageant of creativity and talents. The initiators of this remarkable event were the Ballet Academy of Ukraine, Universal Peace Federation, center of culture “Sun”, and international charitable foundation “Art Beyond Borders.”
Kiev, Ukraine - Two significant events were held in Kiev October 20 and 24: the annual UPF conference commemorating Dr. Sun Myung Moon’s 2005 visit to Ukraine and the 60th anniversary of the Ukrainian Peace Council, headed by the first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk.
Киев, Украина - В Киеве, Украина, 27 января состоялась встреча Послов мира в честь Недели межрелигиозной гармонии. На встрече присутствовали около 20 Послов мира. Среди участников были члены общественных организаций, представители сферы бизнеса и образования.
Kiev, Ukraine - A meeting of Ambassadors for Peace related to the Week of Interfaith Harmony took place on January 27. The meeting was attended by 20 Ambassadors for Peace. Among the participants were members of grass-roots organizations and representatives of business and education spheres.
20 октября в Киеве, Украина, состоялась презентация автобиографии основателя Федерации за всеобщий мир доктора Мун Сон Мёна.
Kiev, Ukraine - On October 20 the UPF Founder’s autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, was introduced at a gathering of Ambassadors for Peace in Kiev.
Kiev, Ukraine - On July 8, UPF-Ukraine held a “Legacy of Peace” conference and Ceremony of Ascension and Unity. Over 60 attendees represented various spheres: education, NGO and business.
14 травня 2010 року з нагоди Міжнародного дня сім’ї, організувала круглий стіл Послів Миру «Суспільство, що заохочує сімейні цінності — основа сталого миру»
Kiev, Ukraine - The Universal Peace Federation held a “New Vision of Peace in a Time of Global Crisis” workshop and annual "Ambassador for Peace Award Ceremony" at the Kiev Hotel.
20 жовтня 2009 р. в Києві, Україна (готель «Київ») Федерація всесвітнього миру (ФВМ) провела семінар «Нове бачення миру в часи глобальної кризи» та церемонію нагородження Міжнародної програми «Посол Миру – 2009».
Международная программа «Послы мира-2009». 20 октября 2009 г. в Киеве Федерация за всеобщий мир провела семинар «Новое видение мира во время глобального кризиса» и церемонию награждения Международной программы «Посол Мира – 2009».
The International Leadership Conference on “The Significance of Marriage and Family for Peace in the 21st Century” brought together delegates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Latvia, Mongolia, People's Republic of China, Russia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan as well as other parts of the world. People were moved in various ways by their experiences in Korea.
Kiev, Ukraine - A number of projects took place with students and refugee children.
Kharkov, Ukraine - Students heard lectures and watched a film about peace.
Sumy, Ukraine - A football match took place between teams from two universities.