Interfaith Harmony Week Commemorated in Sao Paulo

February 14, 2012

Sao Paulo, Brazil - UPF-Brazil organized an interfaith dialogue and celebration at the City Hall of Sao Paulo on February 9. On February 14, an interfaith meeting took place in the Paulo Kobayashi Auditorium of the Sao Paulo State Congress.


São Paulo: Semana da Harmonia Inter-religiosa Mundial

February 9, 2012

São Paulo, Brasil - A Câmara Municipal de São Paulo sediou nesta quinta-feira a comemoração da Semana da Harmonia Inter-religiosa Mundial, evento realizado na primeira semana de fevereiro em todo o mundo por resolução da Assembleia Geral da ONU.


Sao Paulo Interfaith Forum: Religion and World Peace

November 27, 2011

Sao Paulo, Brazil - In partnership with UNILUX, an interfaith forum took place at the Unification headquarters in Sao Paulo Nov. 27, 2011 on the theme of Religion and World Peace.


Day of Peace Observed in Sao Paulo

September 24, 2011

Sao Paulo, Brazil - Three International Day of Peace events took place in Sao Paulo: a celebration at the Pateo do Colegio on September 21, the inauguration of a Peace Monument at the Youth Park on September, and a Festival of Nations on September 24.


Ambassadors for Peace Seminar in São Paulo

August 27, 2011

São Paulo, Brazil - About 70 people gathered at the Unification Movement Headquarters building on August 27 for a seminar on “Building a World of Universal Peace at the Time of Global Crisis.”


Third Annual Peace March in Palhoça, Brazil

April 26, 2011

Palhoça, Santa Catarina, Brazil - City Councillor Leonel Perreira and UPF leaders worked together to organize a Peace March and other activities in celebration of Palhoça's 117th birthday on April 24.


M. Ferreira: Dialogue Can Break Down Walls

February 18, 2010

People are starting to believe that one day true dialogue will break down walls. The walls of the Soviet Union fell down. Many other barriers have fallen not by violence but through dialogue. We should continue this dialogue.


Brazilian Footballers in Friendly Match with North Koreans

November 5, 2009

Pyongyang, North Korea - About 80,000 fans packed Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung Stadium to watch a friendly football match between a visiting Brazilian club and the North Korean team. The Atlético Sorocaba players held the North Koreans to a goalless draw in a tightly-contested match that was part of North Korea's preparations for next year's World Cup.


Atlético Sorocaba e Coréia do Norte

November 5, 2009

O futebol como ferramenta da paz. Segue o link com a noticia exibida pela TV RECORD BRASIL em 21/11/09, sobre o jogo de futebol (amistoso) entre o atletico sorocaba-SP e a seleção da Coreia do norte. Vale lembrar que é a primeira seleção a entrar em terras norte-coreanas devido a regime fechado e comunista.


Day of Peace in Sao Paulo

September 21, 2009

Sao Paulo, Brazil  - Numerous groups gathered at the Peace Monument to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace.


Palhoça, Brazil Hosts a Peace March, Conference and Educational Programs

April 17, 2009

Palhoça, Santa Catarina, Brazil - A peace march, character education lessons, an international conference, and a festival took place in southern Brazil.


Caminhada da Paz no Gama foi um sucesso!

March 15, 2009

A XV Caminhada da Paz organizada pelo Rotary Club do Gama contou com a adesão de várias ONG’s da cidade, governo e comunidade neste domingo dia 15 de março. Aproximadamente 2000 pessoas atenderam ao evento com muita animação e alegria.


Media Coverage of GPF-Brazil

December 9, 2008

Links to articles


H.J. Moon: A New Vision of Peace in Brazil

December 7, 2008

In the keynote address at the Global Peace Festival in Brazil, GPF Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speaks about the need for a new vision of the Americas, the mission of Jesus, a family model of peace, interfaith cooperation for peace, and a culture of service.


H.J. Moon: “Uma Familia Sob Deus”

December 7, 2008

Como cidadãos do Brasil, das Américas e do mundo, vamos fazer um juramento solene para sonhar o maior de todos os sonhos, que é finalmente liderar o mundo para a paz através da visão de “Uma Família Sob Deus”.


Brasilia GPF: Ecumenical Vision Takes Root in the Americas

December 7, 2008

Brasilia, Brazil - With more than 20,000 enthusiastic Brazilians of all ages filling the Nelson Nilson stadium, Bishop Manoel Ferreira, the tireless chairman and promoter of the Global Peace Festival, was thrilled to show the world how Brazil is empowering its youth and working to heal families and restore traditional values.


Spreading the Vision of One Family Under God in Brasilia

December 7, 2008

Brasilia, Brazil - An International Leadership Conference held at Brazil's National Museum included participants from both North and South America.


International Volunteer Day in Gama

December 5, 2008

Gama, Brazil - On UN International Volunteer Day, Dec. 5, 2008, volunteers planted trees and cleaned public spaces in Gama, a satellite city of Brasilia, they also collected food to send to Santa Catarina's disaster area.


World AIDS Day Fliers Distributed in Gama

December 1, 2008

On December 1, in the city of Gama, the Community Health Agents and GPF staff participated in a parade announcing the Global Peace Festival in Brazil on December 7.

As part of an educational campaign in honor of World AIDS Day, we delivered flyers to people at the bus terminal about how to prevent HIV / AIDS. Approximately 100 volunteers participated in the parade and spent the day talking to people about AIDS prevention.


Open Discussion of World Peace at Brazilian Congress

November 27, 2008

Organizations promoting peace participated in a public forum on world peace at the Brazilian Congress on November 27, sponsored by the External Relations Commission.