C. Yadav: Peace through the Practice of True Love

January 17, 2009

I believe in the sun, whether it is shining or not. I believe in love, whether I feel it or not. I believe in God, whether or not He is silent. I think our faith in God is something very special, which helps us to understand the importance of what is good and what is not good, what is right to do and what is not right to do.


Forum on the Challenges of Governance for Sustainable Peace in Nepal

December 23, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal - Members of Nepal’s Constituent Assembly from 14 political parties joined legal experts, academicians, military experts, human rights advocates, and peace educators for a Dec. 23 forum on “The Challenges of Governance for Sustainable Peace.”


RYS: Learning, Serving and Trekking in Nepal

November 28, 2008

Sunakothi, Lalitpu, Nepal – The Religious Youth Service hosted an eight day project in Sunakothi, Lalitpur, Nepal from November 20 - November 28, 2008. Participants from Nepal, India, Mauritius, and the United States came together to aid the village of Sunakothi with the installation of 2 much needed water tanks and the creation of a peace pond. The project was hosted at the Bauddha Jana Vihar, a Buddhist Community Center and Temple.


Learning, Serving, and Trekking with Religious Youth Service in Nepal

November 28, 2008

Sunakothi, Lalitpu, Nepal - Religious Youth Service hosted a project in Sunakothi, Lalitpur, Nepal from November 20 to 28, 2008. Participants from Nepal, India, Mauritius, and the United States came together to aid the village of Sunakothi with the installation of two much-needed water tanks and the creation of a peace pond. The project was hosted at the Bauddha Jana Vihar, a Buddhist Community Center and Temple.


Day of Peace in Nepal

September 21, 2008

Kathmandu & Pokhara, Nepal - The International Day of Peace was celebrated with clean-up programs in two cities.


Health Care Needed for Nepal Flood Victims

August 28, 2008

Nepalis displaced when the Kosi River burst its banks during the monsoon season on Aug. 18, 2008, and changed course are in urgent need of health check-ups and medicine.


Maoist Leader Named Prime Minister of Nepal

August 16, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal — Parliamentarians elected Maoist leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal, better known as Prachanda, the first prime minister of the republic of Nepal on Aug. 15, 2008, after four months of negotiations.


E.N. Dhakal: Inspiring Youth to Help Build Peace

July 6, 2008

Closing Remarks the International Leadership Conference by Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal, Member of Parliament, Nepal “Toward a New Paradigm of Leadership and Good Governance:Creating a Culture of Service for Global Development and Peace”  Asuncion, Paraguay, July 2-6, 2008


NextGen Interns Promote Character Education in Nepal

June 20, 2008

Team Nepal, consisting of Laura Hinkle, Teddy Sylte, and Rita Asaoka, discovered as they left teeming Kathmandu that scenery in Nepal was "soooooo beautiful!" It was full of green mountains and valleys and fresh with unspoiled air. The interns did a lot of teaching in classrooms at four different schools, all of which begged them to return. They also went to a school for orphans that was built by a sister organization, The International Relief Friendship Foundation, and taught character education lessons on teamwork and gratitude and did a cleaning service project.


A Democratic Republic of Nepal Is Born

May 29, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal — Nepal’s newly elected Constituent Assembly declared this nation a democratic republic on May 28, 2008, and ended the monarchy that had ruled for the past 240 years.


Nepalese Vote to Give Peace a Chance

April 14, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal - The election results that are emerging in the tiny Himalayan nation of Nepal are a surprise to nearly everyone. No one could have imagined the landslide victory for the Communist Party Nepal-Maoist, in both the direct and proportional elections.


Nepal Concludes Historic Elections

April 10, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal - Nepal's first elections in nine years were disrupted by scattered incidents of violence across the country April 10, 2008, but overall the elections were hailed as peaceful.


U.N. Envoy to Nepal Praises Peace Process

April 8, 2008

KATHMANDU, NEPAL: The special representative of the U.N. secretary-general in Nepal, Ian Martin, Tuesday called the Nepalese peace process "unprecedented," two days ahead of the country's first general elections since a 2006 peace accord ended 10 years of armed conflict.


Movement for the Underprivileged Launched in Kathmandu

March 11, 2008

KATHMANDU, Nepal –  A “Movement for the Underprivileged” was launched in Kathmandu on March 11, 2008, to forge relationships between businesses and NGOs to help alleviate poverty.


Magazine Editor Honored Honored for Instilling Values in Youth

March 1, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal - The Universal Peace Federation and its affiliate organization, the Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP) acknowledged Santosh Shah, the publisher and editor of Today’s Youth Asia magazine as Youth Ambassador for Peace on March 1, 2008 in Kathmandu, Nepal.


Corporations Aim Beyond Profit

February 24, 2008

KATHMANDU, Nepal - As Nepal faces the uncertainty of elections and an indefinite bundh, or strike, in the southern Terai region, the perfect match between entrepreneurial expertise and not-for-profit networking has been hammered out in a matter of hours in the capital city.


S. Pradhan: Peace Depends on Us

January 18, 2008

As I understand it, democracy and good governance are synonymous. Democracy is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is about effective delivery of services to the people, and it is also about accountability of the executive arm of the state to the people’s representatives—the Members of Parliament. It is about accepting the people as a sovereign source of power. Governance can be classified as bad and good. Good governance is about using state power and resources in a justifiable and accountable manner. Rule of law, accountability, transparency, and people’s participation in a meaningful sense are some of the requisites of good governance.


Conference Opens New Level of Cooperation in Nepal

January 9, 2008

Kathmandu, Nepal - Cooperation between civil society and the government of Nepal broke new ground on Jan. 16, 2008 at the "Parliamentarians for Peace" program at the Parliament Secretariat Hall.


Promoting Character Education in Canada, Australia, and Nepal

December 6, 2007

Autumn 2007 was a busy time for character education. Not only did UPF representatives travel to four different countries in one month, representatives from more than a dozen countries attended workshops and planned to carry the message of character education back to their countries. One Muslim representative thought the Discovering the Real Me character education curriculum produced by UPF was just the thing for the Kurdistan region of Iraq, where economic, social, and peace achievements are blossoming but often ignored by the mass media.


Maoists in Nepal Talk Peace

December 2, 2007

Kathmandu, Nepal - Nepalese leaders from three major political parties found common ground at a South Asia Peace Initiative seminar in Kathmandu on Dec. 2, 2007.