Russians Join in a Springtime Week of Goodness

May 1, 2010

“Think of others by helping them” was the motto of the UPF volunteers who participated in the All-Russia action “Springtime Week of Goodness” in April. Young activists organized activities in Moscow and the Moscow area, St. Petersburg, and Vladimir.


Remembering the Anniversary of the "Great Victory"

April 28, 2010

Commemorative and educational activities related to the May 9, 1945 Victory of the Great Patriotic War took place in Zelenograd, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, and the border with Belarus.


UPF-Eurasia Website Wins Moscow Prize

April 25, 2010

Moscow, Russia - The Moscow City Hall Department on Family and Youth gave a special award to UPF-Eurasia's Internet site, It received first prize in a contest of Internet sites with resources for preventing extremism and xenophobia among youth.


Young Peace Ambassadors Meet in St. Petersburg

April 18, 2010

St. Petersburg, Russia - On April 14-17, UPF volunteers and the Peace Council of North-West Russia started a youth camp as part of the “Guiding Star” project


UPF-Eurasia Conference on East-West Dialogue Held in Moscow

April 10, 2010

Moscow, Russia - On April 10, an international conference was held at the Peace Embassy in Moscow on the theme of “East-West Dialogue: 20 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain.”


K. Ohtsuka: 20 Years after the Fall of the Iron Curtain

April 10, 2010

Moscow, Russia - Reflections on the historic changes in the Soviet Union that began two decades ago, which were due in part to a message that humankind is one family under God. (See also the conference report.)


Baltic Dialogue Spearheaded by NGOs and Public Organizations

April 1, 2010

Moscow, Russia - “The Role of Non-governmental and Public Organizations and People of Good Will in the Baltic Dialogue” was the theme of the March 2010 meeting of the Peace Council in the northwest region of Russia. Konstantin Krylov, Deputy Secretary General of UPF-Eurasia, spoke before the audience on “Conflicts and ways to solve them."


Building Friendships among Russian and Georgian Children

March 31, 2010

Tbilisi, Georgia - More than 200 paper doves made by children in the Urals region of Russia with messages of peace, friendship and goodwill for children in Georgia arrived in Georgia in March 2010, in response to messages of goodwill from Georgia students sent the previous September.


A Festival of Spiritual Creative Work in Yekaterinburg

March 28, 2010

Yekaterinburg, Russia - On March 27-28 the 15th the regional festival of spiritual creative work, “World of Light” took place in Yekaterinburg. The theme of the 2010 festival was “Culture Is the Gate into the Future." The Festival  aimed at creating opportunities for meetings, dialogues, and possible cooperation among people of different nationalities, religions, and spiritual movements.


International Women's Day in Moscow and Novosibirsk

March 9, 2010

Moscow and Novosibirsk, Russia - Representatives of the Universal Peace Federation, Russian branch took part in the traditional International Women’s Day celebration on March 8 at the UN Informational Center in Moscow under the slogan, “Equal rights, equal opportunities mean general progress.” The UPF representatives supported the UN call for NGOs and public organizations to increase their efforts to secure women's rights and opportunities in modern society.


J. Marion: UPF-Eurasia Peace Initiatives

February 18, 2010

I want to present some of our key activities and peace initiatives in the Eurasia region.


V. Emelianow: Russian Islam - A Contemporary Interreligious Phenomenon

December 31, 2009

People who have turned to Islam because of a purely spiritual motivation face cultural and social challenges in adapting to the new religious environment. They are not necessarily welcomed with open arms by their new co-religionists, who may feel that they are being invaded by “the other.” Those who turned to Islam from a non-religious or atheistic background may not have as much difficulty adjusting to a new religious environment, but those who had believed in and practiced another faith often experience more painful social and psychological difficulties.


Lake Baikal Project Wins National Ecology Prize

December 21, 2009

Moscow, Russia - UPF's project of building and repairing bridges on Lake Baikal tourist trails won first place in the ecology category in the Volunteer 2009 All-Russia competition. The real prize, according to an organizer, was the gratitude of the people hiking the routes in greater safety.


In Memoriam: Pavel Georgievich Nikolayevsky

December 20, 2009

Moscow, Russia - On December 20, 2009, pastor Pavel Georgievich Nikolayevsky, member of Russian National Peace Council and Chairman of the Christian Synod, passed away. Ambassadors for Peace of Russia, his friends, and colleagues mourn the passing of this outstanding peacemaker and offered their condolences to his family.


'Light of the Christmas Star' Intercultural Festival Launched

December 15, 2009

St. Petersburg, Russia - Russian children traveled to Finland and Sweden as part of an international cultural festival on the theme of the “Light of the Christmas Star” December 11 – 15.


Georgian Children Receive Gifts from Russia

November 28, 2009

Tbilisi, Georgia - Children in school #136 in the capital of Georgia received gifts on Nov. 27, 2009, sent by school children from the Urals region of Russia as part of a project to build bonds between the people of the neighboring countries.


Russian Youth Forum on Our Common Tomorrow

November 21, 2009

St. Petersburg, Russia - UPF's sixth Youth Forum, on the theme of “Our Common Tomorrow,” brought together students from various universities and representatives of public organizations. The program gave participants a chance to talk about their activities and learn about the peace culture promoted by Young Ambassadors for Peace.


Moscow Forum on Building Peace through a Dialogue of Cultures

November 19, 2009

Moscow, Russia - A workshop on the theme of values as the foundation of peace building and dialogue of cultures took place at the Moscow Peace Embassy. Participants discussed the role of values in Russian literature, culture, art and science as well as the importance of charitable work in civil society.


Reflections on the International Day for Tolerance

November 17, 2009

Yekaterinburg, Russia - I’m one of many who dream about relief from all sorrows and misfortunes, both for myself and for my relatives. But if everyone is craving peace, why is it that the world has constantly been overburdened with manifold crises: ecological, economic, and social? Why is it that so soon after reconciliations take place, armed clashes break out again? Is there any possible way to overcome existing antagonisms?


International Day for Tolerance Observed with Educational Programs in 4 Russian Cities

November 16, 2009

Russia - UPF-Russia organized celebrations of the International Day for Tolerance, Nov. 16, 2009, in Moscow, Revda, Yekaterinburg, and Rostov-on-Don.