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UN International Day of Peace 2012

The United Nations set the theme for this year's observance as "Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future." For a PowerPoint overview of UPF observances, click here.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - UPF-Ethiopia participated in a forum on the International Day of Peace September 21 at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa. The theme was the role of African women in bringing about peace.

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Oslo, Norway - The European Leadership Conference in Oslo on 'Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future' featured the launch of the documentary, 'Within the Eye of the Storm' in the Norwegian Parliament, the Stortinget, to coincide with International Day of Peace, September 21.

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New Delhi, India - A Peace Club was inaugurated at the Jamia Millia Islamia, India's national Islamic university, on September 24 as part of a commemoration of the International Day of Peace. Dr. Abid Hussain, the university's Program Officer of the National Service Scheme, delivered welcoming remarks.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina - “Es tiempo ya…” and “Para la paz es esta poesía,” by Irma Droz (Santa María de Punilla - Córdoba province) and Raúl Oscar Ifrán (Punta Alta – Buenos Aires province), respectively, shared the first prize in UPF-Argentina's fourth annual International Poetry Contest on the theme "Words of encounter and universal awareness," at the celebration of the International Day of Peace on September 21.

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Auckland, New Zealand - The UN International Day of Peace banner at UPF's forum in Auckland included many religious symbols showing the focus for this year's event on September 22. Representatives of diverse faith groups were included, because they have a great part to play in achieving sustainable peace, which was the theme for this year’s observance.

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Chambok, Cambodia - UPF Cambodia observed the International Day of Peace in the village of Chambok in Kompong Speu, which belongs to the Kirirom National Park on September 22.

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Tallinn, Estonia - International Day of Peace programs took place in schools in Väike-Maarja and Toila, Estonia. Students participated actively in the program, asking questions and offering their ideas and suggestions about peacemaking.

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Sao Paulo, Brazil - The International Day of Peace was commemorated in the council chamber of the Sao Paulo City Hall on September 20 and at the Sao Paulo Commercial Association on September 21.

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Kathmandu, Nepal - To celebrate the UN International Day of Peace, Ambassadors for Peace, teachers, students, social workers, and other volunteers organized many activities, including holding interreligious prayers, lighting lamps, conducting academic dialogue meetings, distributing food, debating, planting trees, sweeping streets, cleaning parks, and picking up garbage.

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Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador - UPF-Ecuador organized two International Day of Peace events. In Guayaquil, an observance took place in the Simón Bolívar Hall of the Government of Guayas on September 21. The program in Quito took place in the Hall of the National Union of Journalists on September 28. Lic. Florencia Garcia gave a presentation on behalf of UN Women.

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International Day of Peace programs took place in Bonn and Stuttgart.

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UPF-Peru organized two meetings for the International Day of Peace: one in the Peruvian Congress co-sponsored by Congresswoman Maria Cordero and another in the city of Tumbes.

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Madrid, Spain - A meal, lectures, awards, dances, and refreshments marked the International Day of Peace observance at the Peace Embassy in Madrid on September 16.

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Read the UPF Statement on the UN International Day of Peace 2012.

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Novosibirsk, Russia - Universal Peace Federation volunteers participated in the celebration of the 119th anniversary of the founding of Novosibirsk on June 24 and helped promote the International Day of Peace, September 21.

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New York, New York: As in previous years, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a message marking the 100-day countdown to the observance of the International Day of Peace, September 21, and announced this year's theme: "Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future."

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Buenos Aires, Argentina - In preparation for the International Day of Peace 2012, UPF-Argentina invites submissions of poems in Spanish on the theme "Words of meeting and universal concsiousness."

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The Universal Peace Federation celebrated the International Day of Peace, September 21, with the theme “Sustainable Development for a Sustainable Peace,” recognizing the inextricable link between sustainable development and a sustainable peace. To read about events organized by UPF chapters in about 30 nations, click here.

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