Valere MasuakuPO Box 1603
Solomon Islands
Honiara, Solomon Islands—Sixty of the country’s leaders and 150 young people participated in UPF’s weekend programs.
Honiara, Solomon Islands—Around 70 guests attended the launch of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) in the Solomon Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands—UPF of the Solomon Islands hosted a one-day conference titled “New Village Movement: A Model for Sustainable Development.”
Sydney, Australia—“Peace, Security and Human Development in Oceania” was the theme of the 2015 UPF-Oceania regional conference.
Honiara, Solomon Islands—UPF in the Solomon Islands has been focusing its activities on inviting VIPs to attend the 2015 UPF World Summit.
Visale, Solomon Islands—UPF volunteers and local villagers have joined forces on a service project that will bring water to rural areas of the Solomon Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - As part of the True Citizenship Building Education Initiative, second-hand reading books were donated to seven schools in the Solomon Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - The UN International Day of Peace program in Solomon Islands on Sept. 20, 2014 featured a family candlelight ceremony accompanied by the song “Carry Your Candle.”
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands organized an education program on Sept. 23, 2013 on the International Day of Peace in partnership with Women's Voice, a national NGO voicing the concerns of women and children.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - With expressions of sincere gratitude for his three years of leadership, UPF-Solomon Islands said farewell to Mr. Chihiro Midorikawa on August 16.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, the autobiography of UPF Founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, was released in the Solomon Islands on July 20. The 50 guests at the celebration included religious and political leaders as well as Ambassadors for Peace.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands organized a special program to commemorate the UN International Day of Families at the Rock Havens Inn Hotel on May 19.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - A leadership seminar on Dec. 3, 2011, addressed the theme "The Significance of Marriage and Family for Peace and Human Development."
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands organized events at two schools in Honiara commemorating the UN International Day of Peace.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon paid a historic visit to the Solomon Islands September 3 and 4 and received a gift on behalf of Ambassadors for Peace.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - Members of Parliament, government officials, and religious leaders attended a Peace Convocation at the Solomon Kitano Mendana Hotel on June 30.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - A donation from UPF-Solomon Islands to assist victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami was delivered to a representative of the Japanese government at the office of the Parliament House on May 27.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - A leadership seminar took place in Honiara on May 21. The seven participants, who had attended an introductory seminar one month earlier, included two high school principals, two media representatives, two community leaders, and one student.
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands sponsored a commemoration of the UN International Day of Families on May 15 with families, friends, and Ambassadors for Peace at the New Hope Academy kindergarten in Honiara.