Conference to Explore Canada's Role as a 'Middle Power'

September 24, 2008

Ottawa, Canada - The idea of being part of a larger global community of peace is obviously particularly attractive in nations that are still developing, or that are coping with recent challenges of violence and conflict. But what about nations of the First World that are perhaps more settled, perhaps even satisfied with the way things are? These are among the issues to be debated at the Canadian Leadership Conference on the theme “Educating for Peace” October 2-5 in Ottawa.


South Asian Friendship Seminar Held in Vancouver

August 23, 2008

Vancouver, Canada - The Universal Peace Federation in Western Canada hosted the Third South Asian Bridge of Peace and Friendship Seminar on August 23 on the theme of "Interreligious and Intercultural Approach to Resolving Conflicts."


Ambassadors for Peace Attend National Conference in Ottawa

June 7, 2008

Ottawa, Canada - More than 50 UPF Ambassadors for Peace gathered at Les Suites Hotel in Ottawa for a national conference on June 7. Participants came from Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa. Interest in the conference exceeded the expectations of the organizers.


Toronto Interfaith Forum: Overcoming Hatred through Love

May 3, 2008

The Universal Peace Federation-Toronto held its monthly meeting on May 3, 2008. This meeting, as was the April one, was very well attended. Dr. Hoosein Auckbaraullee, UPF Canada Central District Co-Director, gave opening remarks and introduced the participants.


Establishing a Bridge of Peace in Vancouver

April 30, 2008

In Vancouver, Canada, a city with a substantial mix of peoples of all faiths and cultures found on earth and a very large representation from the Far East and South Asia, regular Universal Peace Federation are held each month.


Montreal Interfaith Forum: Addressing the MDGs

April 16, 2008

Eleven guests attended the April 16, 2008, interfaith breakfast in Montreal and a discussion about the MDGs.


Seminar in Montreal Promotes UPF's Vision

April 12, 2008

On April 12, Montreal headquarters held a seminar to continue educating Ambassadors for Peace about the vision and activities of UPF. Among the seven guests were three Islamic women leaders, a Korean War veteran, and a Sikh professor and his friend who is a Pakistani Muslim leader.


Relaunching Monthly UPF Forums in Toronto

April 12, 2008

The Universal Peace Federation-Canada re-launched its series of monthly forums in Toronto with a special gathering on April 12, 2008. The purpose of the gathering was to emphasize the core purpose of UPF, broaden attendance at meetings, and introduce the Global Peace Festival to be held in Ottawa in October.


Commemorating the Death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

April 4, 2008

April 4 was the 40th anniversary of the passing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rev. Darryl Gray, senior pastor of the Imani Family Full Gospel Church, feeling that the occasion deserved public recognition, organized the only commemoration service held in the city of Montreal.


March Interfaith Breakfast in Montreal

March 19, 2008

On March 19, we welcomed the Conseil de leaders interreligieux de Montréal-Nord (Montreal North Interreligious Leaders Council), who spoke about the council and their activities to date. Nearly 40 people attended. As the presentation was in French, Anthony Mansour, director of the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism, graciously translated into English


February Interfaith Breakfast in Montreal

February 20, 2008

UPF's February interfaith meeting on the 20th was one of the best so far, with 24 guests including two priests from the Traditional Catholic Church (not affiliated with Rome) and the pastor of a major Anglican church downtown.


Montreal Interfaith Forum: Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 21, 2008

The fifth annual Interfaith Breakfast at Montreal City Hall honoring the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Jan. 21, 2008 was opened with prayers offered by various faith leaders.


UPF Organizes Ambassadors for Peace Seminar in Montreal

January 12, 2008

On January 12, 2008, around 20 people, including 15 guests, gathered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to learn more about UPF and to get to know each other better, since time is always short at the monthly breakfast meetings.


Promoting Character Education in Canada, Australia, and Nepal

December 6, 2007

Autumn 2007 was a busy time for character education. Not only did UPF representatives travel to four different countries in one month, representatives from more than a dozen countries attended workshops and planned to carry the message of character education back to their countries. One Muslim representative thought the Discovering the Real Me character education curriculum produced by UPF was just the thing for the Kurdistan region of Iraq, where economic, social, and peace achievements are blossoming but often ignored by the mass media.