Human Rights Day Forum Held in the Peruvian Congress

December 14, 2013

Lima, Peru - UPF-Peru and the office of Dr. Yonhy Lescano Ancieta organized a forum celebrating the International Day of Human Rights on Dec. 13 in the Congress of the Republic.


Foro en Perú Celebrando el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos

December 14, 2013

Lima, Perú - La Federación para la Paz Universal y el despacho del Dr. Yonhy Lescano Ancieta organisaron un foro celebrando el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos el 13 de diciembre 2013 en el Congreso de la  República.


Taking UPF's Peace Vision throughout Peru

October 31, 2013

Building on the momentum of September's International Day of Peace forum in the Peruvian Congress, a number of Ambassadors for Peace traveled throughout the nation to share UPF's peace vision during the month of October. Weekend trips to Oxapampa, Cerro de Pasco, Puno and Trujillo were filled with interviews, marches, rallies and programs explaining UPF's peace principles.


Programas de UPF-Peru en octubre

October 31, 2013

Lima, Peru - Hubo varios eventos para la paz en Peru durante el mes de octubre 2013.


Day of Peace Observed at a Forum in Lima

September 25, 2013

Lima, Peru - UPF-Peru celebrated the International Day of Peace in the Congress on September 25. Speakers included the UN Representative, Sra. Rebecca Arias; Congressman Dr. Yonhy Lescano; the Ambassador for Palestine in Peru and Ecuador, Dr. Walid Abdel Rahim; and Dr. Antero Flores Araoz, former Minister of Defense. There was also an Interreligious candle lighting ceremony.


Difundiendo la visión de la FPU en Peru

July 31, 2013

Lima, Peru - Los Embajadores de la Paz en el Perú siguen trabajando duro en julio, con la difusión de la visión de la Federación para la Paz Universal.


July Outreach in Peru

July 31, 2013

Lima, Peru - The Ambassadors for Peace in Peru continued to work hard in July, spreading the vision of the Universal Peace Federation across the country.


Global Day of Parents Observed in Lima

June 3, 2013

Lima, Peru - UPF-Peru organized a celebration of the Global Day of Parents in Lima on June 2 and honored outstanding parents.


Ambassadors for Peace Appointed in Ayacucho

May 21, 2013

Ayacucho, PeruAmbassador for Peace Dr. Cesar Aguayo participated in a May 20 forum in the Andean city of Ayacucho, famous for its 33 churches and known locally as the Sanctuary of Peace. He spoke about the work of UPF in Peru and internationally.


Day of Families Observed in Lima and Trujillo

May 15, 2013

Lima, Peru - UPF-Peru celebrated the International Day of Families on May 15 with a forum in the Congress of Peru. Featured speakers included a representative of the UN, Rebecca Arias, and the Ministry for Women. Congressman Dr. Yonhy Lescano co-sponsored the event. In the coastal city of Trujillo, two International Day of Families programs were organized by UPF regional representatives in conjunction with local mayors and councilors.


Lima Mosque Hosts Interfaith Meeting

March 9, 2013

Lima, Peru - The Christian Ministers Alliance and the Islamic Association of Peru joined together on March 9, 2013, under the banner "the uniqueness of God" to share the vision of each faith.


Foro en Lima sobre "la unicidad de Dios"

March 9, 2013

Lima, Peru - El sábado 09 de marzo la UPF Perú, la Alianza Cristiana, y la Asociación Islámica del Perú se unieron bajo la bandera de "la unicidad de Dios" para compartir la visión de cada fe.


El Día de la Mujer en el Congreso de la República Peruana

March 8, 2013

Lima, Perú - Se celebró el Día de la Mujer en el Salón de los Senadores del Congreso de la República el 8 marzo 2013. Los ponentes incluyeron los Congresistas Dr. YehudeSimon y el Dr. YonhyLescano junto con la Dra. Patricia Contador de Lescano. También la Sra. María Eugenia Mujica de la ONU y la Lic. Nancy Tolentino del Ministerio de la Mujer.


International Women's Day Observed in the Peruvian Congress

March 8, 2013

Lima, Peru - A celebration of International Women's Day took place in the former Senators' Room in the Congress on March 8. Speakers included a representative of the UN and a representative of the Ministry for Women as well as female directors of NGOs. Women from various religions participated in an interfaith water ceremony.


Peruvian Youth Bring Christmas Cheer to the Elderly

December 22, 2012

Lima, Peru - Young Ambassadors for Peace visited a hospital for the elderly in Lima to bring them some Christmas cheer on Dec. 22, 2012.


El Día de los Derechos Humanos celebrado en el Congreso de Perú

December 7, 2012

Lima, Perú - Se celebró el Día de los Derechos Humanos con una reunión en el Congreso de la República el 7 de diciembre, co-patrocinado por el congresista Dr. Yonhy Lescano.


Human Rights Day Commemorated in the Peruvian Congress

December 7, 2012

Lima, Peru - UPF-Peru organized a commemoration of Human Rights Day in the Peruvian Congress on December 7, co-sponsored by Congressman Dr. Yonhy Lescano Ancieta.


Actividades de UPF-Peru en octubre

October 31, 2012

Lima, Peru - Los Embajadores para la Paz del Perú tuvieron un muy concurrido octubre, viajando a diferentes partes del Perú para dar charlas y participar en eventos representando a la Federación para la Paz y sus valores.


UPF-Peru's October Programs

October 31, 2012

Lima, Peru - UPF-Peru launched a Christian Ministers' Alliance. UPF leaders met with public officials and spoke at a variety of events promoting UPF's peace principles. Plans for the coming months include a celebration of UN Human Rights Day in the Peruvian Congress, youth programs, and charitable activities during the Christmas season. 


L. Huarcaya: Buscando un camino de paz

October 18, 2012

Todo futuro tiene aspecto de prosperidad o infortunio, Ud. escojan la prosperidad, la condición o premisa es estar con uno mismo, luego tratar desde joven a ayudar al prójimo, en nuestra cultura le llamamos Ayni, significa ser solidarios, tener emoción social, buena comunicación con los demás, llegar a Dios abriendo nuestro corazón .Sólo así encontrarás la misión de vida.