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Dialogue & Alliance: World Summit 2020: Perspectives on Peace and Development

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New York, USA—The 2020 winter issue of Dialogue & Alliance, a journal of UPF, is now available. The theme of this issue is “World Summit 2020: Perspectives on Peace and Development.”


With this issue of Dialogue and Alliance, Volume 34 No. 2, we build on Volume 34 No. 1 by continuing to feature articles that were presented during World Summit 2020, organized by the Universal Peace Federation and held February 3-8, 2020. Whereas the previous issue had as its theme “Interfaith Perspectives on Peace” and included articles by religious, spiritual and interfaith leaders of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), this issue addresses the theme of “Perspectives on Peace and Development” and draws on the insights of World Summit 2020 participants who joined the programs of the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) and the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP). Additionally, for the present issue we include addresses by the 2020 laureates of the Sunhak Peace Prize, presented every two years to distinguished individuals who have made very significant contributions to peace and development.

The International Summit Council for Peace and the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace are projects of the Universal Peace Federation. ISCP is a network of current and former heads of state and heads of government. The ISCP contributions to this volume were presented both during the Opening Plenary and during a series of sessions chaired by H.E. Goodluck Jonathan, former President of Nigeria and Chairman of ISCP Africa. The ISCP presenters come from many different nations and geographic regions and their collective wisdom and experience are substantial and impressive, as is reflected in their contributions to this volume.

A significant project of the ISCP is the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP). IAFLP was also prominently featured during World Summit 2020, and a section of this volume is devoted to the presentations from the IAFLP sessions. The IAFLP participants included first ladies and prominent women leaders from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. The IAFLP benefits from the support of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, a partner of the Universal Peace Federation.

The second set of articles in this volume are drawn from the World Summit 2020 sessions of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, a global network of several thousand current and former members of congress, including many who serve or have served as presidents or speakers of their national parliaments or legislative assemblies. The IAPP, during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic has been working to develop an “early warning system” for pandemics, in an effort to avoid or mitigate the impact that pandemics have on the world’s peoples. The International Co-Chairs of the IAPP are Hon. Dan Burton of the USA and Hon. Jose De Venecia of the Philippines.

The Sunhak Peace Prize is a prestigious peace prize that has been presented since 2015 to persons who have made very substantial contributions to efforts to prevent climate change, to promote food security, to improve healthcare, especially in conflict zones, to provide education for women and girls, to help in bringing an end to extreme poverty, and to strengthen multilateral and global institutions. The recipients of the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize are former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, President Macky Sall of Senegal, and Bishop Munib Younan, former President of the World Lutheran Federation, each eminently worthy of such a significant award. Their acceptance speeches are included in this volume.

We hope you, our readers, will benefit from the articles included herein, and that Dialogue and Alliance can bring a sense of promise, insight and inspiration to you all, as we work together to achieve the hope of all ages, the unified world of peace.


To view the table of contents, please see below.

Dialogue & Alliance
Vol. 34 No. 2, Winter 2020
World Summit 2020: Perspectives on Peace and Development


International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP)

H.E. Goodluck Jonathan
President of Nigeria (2010–2015); Chair, ISCP–Africa

H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen
Prime Minister, Cambodia

H.E. Brigi Rafini
Prime Minister, Niger

Hon. Henry Van Thio
Vice President, Myanmar

H.E. Maria Leonor Gerona-Robredo
Vice President, Philippines

Hon. Vilson Ahmeti
Prime Minister (1991–1993), Albania

H.E. Alfred Moisiu
President (2002–2007), Albania

Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister (2006–2015), Canada

H.E. Mirek Topolánek
Prime Minister (2006–2009), Czech Republic

H.E. Anders Fogh Rasmussen 
Prime Minister (2001–2009), Denmark; Secretary General of NATO (2009-2014)

H.E. Dominique de Villepin
Prime Minister (2005–2007), France

H.E. Jimmy Morales
President (2016–2020), Guatemala

H.E. Deve Gowda
Prime Minister (1996–1997), India

H.E. Enda Kenny
Prime Minister (2011–2017), Ireland

H.E. Enrico Letta
Prime Minister (2013–2014), Italy

Hon. Chuichi Date
President, House of Councillors (2016–2019), Japan

H.E. Anote Tong
President (2003–2016), Kiribati; Sunhak Peace Prize laureate (2015)

Hon. Parmanand Jha
Vice President (2008–2015), Nepal

H.E. Syed Yusuf Raza Gillani
Prime Minister of Pakistan (2008–2012)

H.E. Jose Manuel Barroso
President, European Commission (2004–2014); Prime Minister (2002–2004), Portugal

H.E. Carl Bildt
Prime Minister (1991–1994), Sweden

Hon. Sione Vuna Fa’otusia
Minister of Justice, Tonga

Sunhak Peace Prize

Dr. Il Sik Hong
Chairman, Sunhak Peace Prize Committee

H.E. Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General of the United Nations (2007–2016)

H.E. Macky Sall
President, Senegal

Bishop Munib Younan
Arab-Israeli Bishop Emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land

International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP)

Hon. Dan Burton
Congressman (1983–2013), House of Representatives, USA

Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr.
Speaker of the House (1992–1998; 2001–2008), Philippines

Hon. Khuon Sudary
Second Vice President, National Assembly, Cambodia

Dr. Roslyn Ngeno 
Representative of the African Union, Kenya

Hon. Sang-hyun Yoon
Chairman, Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee of the 20th National Assembly, Republic of Korea

Hon. Veronica Rosca
Member of Parliament, Republic of Moldova

Hon. Faustina K. Rehuher-Marugg
Minister of State, Republic of Palau

Hon. David Clarke
Parliamentarian (2003-2019), Australia

Hon. Yoshinori Ohno
Minister of Defense (2004-2005), Member of the House of Representatives (Diet), Japan; IAPP-Japan

Prof. Dr. Krasae Chanawongse
Foreign Minister (1995), Thailand; Minister to the Office of the Prime Minister (2001-2005), Thailand

Hon. Barbara Cubin
Congresswoman (1995–2009), House of Representatives, USA

Hon. John Mica
Congressman (1993–2017), House of Representatives, USA

Hon. Dana Rohrabacher
Congressman (1989–2019) , House of Representatives, USA; Former Speechwriter for President Reagan

International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP)

Dr. Julia Moon
Chair, IAFLP

Dr. Sun Jin Moon
Executive Vice President, Women’s Federation for World Peace International

Adi Koila Mara Nailatikau
First Lady (2009–2015), Fiji

H.E. Anneli Jäätteenmäki
Prime Minister of Finland (April–June 2003); Member of the European Parliament (2004–2019), Finland

Mrs. Fionnuala Kenny
Wife of the former Prime Minister of Ireland

Hon. Dalia Itzik
Speaker of the Knesset of Israel (2006–2009), Acting President of Israel (2007)

Madam Ingrid Ainigimea
First Lady, Republic of Nauru

Hon. Sujata Koirala
Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Nepal

Dr. Samia Burton
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, George Washington University, USA

Dr. Svjetlana Jovic
Civil Affairs Office, UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

With this issue of Dialogue and Alliance, Volume 34 No. 2, we build on Vol-ume 34 No. 1 by continuing to feature articles that were presented during World Summit 2020, organized by the Universal Peace Federation and held February 3-8, 2020. Whereas the previous issue had as its theme “Interfaith Perspectives on Peace” and included articles by religious, spiritual and inter-faith leaders of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD), this issue addresses the theme of “Perspectives on Peace and De-velopment” and draws on the insights of World Summit 2020 participants who joined the programs of the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP) and the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP). Additionally, for the present issue we include addresses by the 2020 laureates of the Sunhak Peace Prize, presented every two years to distin-guished individuals who have made very significant contributions to peace and development.
The International Summit Council for Peace and the International Associa-tion of Parliamentarians for Peace are projects of the Universal Peace Fed-eration. ISCP is a network of current and former heads of state and heads of government. The ISCP contributions to this volume were presented both during the Opening Plenary and during a series of sessions chaired by H.E. Goodluck Jonathan, former President of Nigeria and Chairman of ISCP Africa. The ISCP presenters come from many different nations and geographic regions and their collective wisdom and experience are substan-tial and impressive, as is reflected in their contributions to this volume.
A significant project of the ISCP is the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP). IAFLP was also prominently featured during World Summit 2020, and a section of this volume is devoted to the presen-tations from the IAFLP sessions. The IAFLP participants included first la-dies and prominent women leaders from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. The IAFLP benefits from the support of the Women’s Federa-tion for World Peace, a partner of the Universal Peace Federation.
The second set of articles in this volume are drawn from the World Sum-mit 2020 sessions of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, a global network of several thousand current and former members of congress, including many who serve or have served as presidents or speakers of their national parliaments or legislative assemblies. The IAPP, during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic has been working to develop an “early warning system” for pandemics, in an effort to avoid or mitigate the impact that pandemics have on the world’s peoples. The International Co-Chairs of the IAPP are Hon. Dan Burton of the USA and Hon. Jose De Venecia of the Philippines.
The Sunhak Peace Prize is a prestigious peace prize that has been presented since 2015 to persons who have made very substantial contributions to ef-forts to prevent climate change, to promote food security, to improve healthcare, especially in conflict zones, to provide education for women and girls, to help in bringing an end to extreme poverty, and to strengthen mul-tilateral and global institutions. The recipients of the 2020 Sunhak Peace Prize are former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, President Macky Sall of Senegal, and Bishop Munib Younan, former President of the World Lutheran Federation, each eminently worthy of such a significant award. Their acceptance speeches are included in this volume.
We hope you, our readers, will benefit from the articles included herein, and that Dialogue and Alliance can bring a sense of promise, insight and inspira-tion to you all, as we work together to achieve the hope of all ages, the uni-fied world of peace.

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