UN International Day of Peace 2010

The International Day of Peace 2010 focused on youth and development, under the slogan: "Peace = Future." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on youth everywhere to "Expand on your work to build peace. Share your plans and ideas, with creativity and passion. The world's concerns will soon be in your hands." For a PowerPoint overview of UPF observances, click here.
- Written by: Trevor Jones, UPF-Peru
Lima, Peru - The UN International Day of Peace was celebrated in one of the rooms of the National Congress of Peru, in coordination with UPF-Peru. Similar meetings took place in the provincial capitals of Trujillo and Puno.
- Written by: UPF - Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal - UPF-Nepal partnered with UNICEF, UNESCO, the Peace Education Network of Nepal, Nepal’s Ministry of Education, and Save the Children in a week of activities called “Peace Week” from September 14 to 21.
- Written by: UPF - USA
New York, USA - UPF-USA participated in the Vigil for International Peace held all day September 18 at the Central Park Bandshell in New York City.
- Written by: Laurent Ladouce, UPF-France
Paris, France - UPF-France organized four "Weeks of Peace" events in September with small-group discussions on four topics: declaring war, being at peace, making peace, and a culture of peace.
- Written by: Fosayo Irikora, Women's Federation for World Peace-Jordan
Amman, Jordan - A peace football tournament under the patronage of former Prime Minister H.E. Faisal Fayez commemorated the International Day of Peace.
- Written by: UPF - Germany
Dusseldorf, Germany - UPF-Germany held a Day of Peace event on September 18 in Dusseldorf to raise awareness about the UN Millennium Development Goals. There was music, dance, interactive learning about conflict resolution, and intercultural exchange.
- Written by: Emanuele Militello, UPF-UK
London, UK - UPF-UK's September 23 commemoration of the International Day of Peace featured two speakers about youth development projects in London and an expert on the Sudan and Darfur.
- Written by: Cesar Regalado, UPF-Dominican Republic
Barahona, Dominican Republic - UPF-Dominican Republic commemorated the International Day of Peace in the auditorium of the Regional University Center on September 21.
- Written by: Shigenari Kato, UPF-Japan
- Written by: UPF International
UPF chapters around the world will join with UN agencies and with other NGOs in observations and celebrations of the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2010.
- Written by: UPF - Ecuador
- Written by: Lisa Cowan, UPF-Trinidad & Tobago
UPF-Trinidad and Tobago commemorated the International Day of Peace on September 21 at S Early Learning Kindergarten School in South Trinidad with music, speeches, and planting a peace pole.
- Written by: Carolyn Handschin, UPF Office of UN Relations, Geneva
- Written by: Deborah Moldow, World Peace Prayer Society
Our colleagues at the Department of Public Information have been working to synthesize the various significant agenda items for the UN in September to come up with a cohesive theme for the 2010 International Day of Peace. They have chosen: Youth, Peace and Development.
- Written by: UPF International
UPF chapters organized observances of the UN International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2010, in 48 nations. The theme for 2010 was "Youth and Development."
- Written by: UPF International
Across the globe, UPF chapters organized commemorations of the International Day of Peace with seminars, panel discussions, prayers from many faith traditions, sports competitions, and intercultural celebrations.
- Written by: UN Department of Public Information
UNITED NATIONS - The International Day of Peace, observed each year on September 21, is a global call for ceasefire and non-violence. This year, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called young people around the world to take a stand for peace under the theme, Youth for Peace and Development.
- Written by: UPF - Eurasia
Moscow, Russia - On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, three programs from UPF-Russia were posted on the UN Internet Site as model programs among others by organizations throughout Europe: the Youth Peace Ambassadors, Play Football Make Peace, and the South Caucasus Peace Initiative.