La route de la paix passe par l’Italie pour de jeunes palestiniens et Israéliens
- Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Les Mongols optent pour la paix
- Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Affichant une fière et spectaculaire unité nationale, les citoyens de Mongolie ont clairement fait le choix de la paix et de la prospérité lors du Festival mondial pour la paix d’Oulan-Bator. Quelques semaines après des élections contestées qui menaçaient d’amener ce peuple historique de l’Asie au bord de la guerre civile, une foule immense prenait à nouveau d’assaut la place Sukhbaatar ; mais cette fois c’était pour chanter et danser pour la paix.
H.J. Moon: Construire une famille en Dieu en Mongolie
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bienvenue au festival international pour la paix dans cette belle ville d’Ulaanbaatar en Mongolie. C’est un grand honneur et un plaisir d’être avec vous aujourd’hui au cœur même de l’Asie avec mes cousins ethniques pour célébrer une vision de paix durable.
GPF Mongolia - Los Mongoles eligen la paz
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008
En una dramática manifestación de orgullo y unidad nacional, los ciudadanos de Mongolia hicieron un compromiso claro por la paz y prosperidad en el Festival para la Paz Global en Ulaanbbatar el 9 de septiembre.
H.J. Moon : Construyendo una familia bajo Dios en Mongolia
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hoy quisiera compartir una visión de paz para Mongolia y todas las naciones en esta región. Por empezar, tenemos que admitir que, si estamos preparados para ir por encima de los fracasos del pasado, tendremos que ser audaces y superar nuevos desafíos en nuestra búsqueda de la paz y la prosperidad.
Le festival mondial pour la paix à Washington
- Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Des milliers d’artisans de paix ont célébré la paix sur les pelouses du Capitole de Washington, le samedi 9 août, à l’occasion du Festival mondial pour la paix.
In the News: Filipino Delegates Support Peace Festival in Japan
- Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tokyo, Japan - A kick-off banquet for the Global Peace Festival in Japan was held September 3, 2008 at the Hilton Tokyo in Shinjuku. The Philippine delegates to the event included officials from the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo: the Labor Attaché, Mr. Danilo Cruz; the Welfare Officer, Ms. Luz Talento; and the Armed Forces and Defense Attaché, Col. Danilo Estropia. Also present was Mrs. Angelita Obara, President of the Filipino Japanese Movement for Global Peace and co-chair of the GPF Japan Filipino Community National Steering Committee.
Continuously Updated Report of Ambassadors for Peace/UPF Activities for IDP in Barrytown, NY, USA #2
- Monday, September 1, 2008
Mid Hudson Valley, Ambassadors for Peace,
Barrytown New York USA– UPF/USA
Topic: United Nations: International Day of Peace, September 21
Planning Meeting: To inspire community-wide ownership of International Day of Peace
Date: September 1, Monday meeting at Massena House 7pm
Next Meeting: September 8, Monday at Massena House 7pm, bring friends.
Budget: $500 (from donations)
General Notes:
v Small community doing big things.
v We are about substance over statistics.
v We don't know when we may be empowering a person - just as a person may be greatly diminished by one moment in time - they may be greatly empowered by one moment in time. We are attempting to create those moments.
v Explanation of what is on the www.upf.org/un/idp web page.
v Secrets of team building
As you have noticed some activities have expanded, others were eliminated, and others have morphed to something completely different.
Possible updated events:
- Tell (share) the story of the International Day of Peace (Gavin - Team Leader)
- Through YouTube video http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=2FmEIP46B-E to community - churches, schools, etc.
- Brochure distributed with program of activities about ten days before the IDP.
- Use existing IDP brochure as a model
- Marty & Ichinori will work on brochure, print 1,000-3,000
- Peace Vigil – As part of Sunday Service
- Peace Concert (Cecilia responsible for performers)
- Admission – canned food, or clothing to benefit Queens Gallery, Food Kitchen in Kingston
- Locations – UTS Chapel
- Performers - Cecilia recruited Hope Machine, Gavin recruited Seiko Lee, Cecilia's guitarist may also play?
- Use acoustic system in chapel
- Distribution of IDP movie by Gerome Gilley
- Waiting for 9 copies from UK
- Distribute to local community
- Give Away IDP DVD (Ichinori – Team Leader)
- A) Churches - Gavin
- B) Public schools (one for each classroom) – Ichinori
- C) Private schools (?), Colleges (?)
- D) Gavin - ask Joe R. to design a cover for the dvds
- Kite Flying for Peace (Henry - Team Leader)
- UTS east field
- Children bring their kites
- We provide snacks and drinks ($75-$100)
- Contests and awards ... highest flying, best homemade kite, smallest kite
- Will try to get local small hot air balloon maker to give a demonstration
- Labyrinth and peace ceremony (Gillian - Team Leader)
- Flyer complete, use chaucer font
- Activities
- Pot luck dinner
- World Peace Flag ceremony - 7:00 pm
- Candlelight Labyrinth Walk - 7:30 pm
- Peace Blessing - Patricia Taylor
- Pot luck dinner (?)
- UTS students coming in national costume (?)
- Proclamations
- Using existing proclamations from www.UPF.org/un/idf, Henry will go to local town and get proclamations
- Promotion
- Marty will write a summary article for Henry, and Gillian will send graphics. Henry will distribute Barrytown Gazette to community on Friday.
- Gillian will speak on
- Ongoing Needs & Concerns:
- Good photography/video - Dorothy ask Shannon - pay $50
- Thank Gavin for taking notes
- Barbara - ask students to at least attend; possibly get involved - need a list of possible ways to help. Will also ask who has traditional dress for Peace Blessing ceremony.
- Gavin check out DC Interfaith web site for what's happening.
- Henry check out IDP web site for what's happening in this area.
- Marty will print brochure and flags for Peace Blessing ceremony.
- Possible Time Line
- 11-12 Patricia Taylor will give Peace Sermon at MHV Church service at UTS
- 12:00 Peace Prayer Vigil UTS Chapel or Peace Sanctuary
- 1-3:00 Peace Kite Flying
- 3:30-5:00 Peace Concert
- Peace Sanctuary
- 5:30-7 Pot luck before lab/ceremonies
- 7:00 pm World Peace Flag ceremony
- 7:30 pm Candlelight Labyrinth Walk
- 7:30 pm Peace Blessing - Patricia Taylor
Une jeune togolaise évoque la force de l'amour
- Monday, September 1, 2008
Si nous essayons tous de pratiquer l'amour vrai, sans se soucier ni de l'apparence ni des préjugés, nous pourrons ressentir la liberté d'être unis les uns avec les autres grâce à ce même amour. Je pense que l'Eglise au plan mondial peut exercer une plus grande influence dans la réalité quotidienne de notre temps pour promouvoir la paix entre les nations si elle pratique vraiment les enseignements du Christ et collabore avec l'ONU.
Prime Minister Odinga Welcomes the Global Peace Festival
- Monday, September 1, 2008
Nairobi, Kenya - The Prime Minister of Kenya, the Hon. Raila Odinga, and his wife Ida Odinga, joined by an international delegation that included former heads of state, members of parliament, spiritual leaders, and representatives of civil society, were warmly welcomed by 10,000 enthusiastic Kenyans at the Global Peace Festival in Nairobi.
Declaración de Ginebra, Suisa, sobre la cooperación interreligiosa
- Monday, September 1, 2008
Nosotros, los líderes de las religiones mundiales y comunidades confesionales reunidos, estmos unidos en la convicción de que la paz mundial es alcanzable, conscientes de nuestras responsabilidades hacia esta meta, afirmando los principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.
A Better Day for Kenya Has Come
- Monday, September 1, 2008
Nairobi, Kenya –Tens of thousands of individuals gathered on Aug. 29, 2008, to clean the banks of the Nairobi River flowing through the Kenyan capital.