

Armando Lozano
Ronda de Segovia 50
34 91 3661041

National Peace Council Member

Prof. Alfonso Ojeda
Professor of Economics, Madrid University

Sevilla, España - Fue en esta ciudad, para las finales de la cuarta Copa de la Paz, la competición internacional de importantes clubes de fútbol lanzada hace seis años en Corea, que el Rvdo. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, fundador de UPF, tuvo oportunidad de compartir una visión de la paz para Europa y el mundo, en un programa festivo realizado en el Centro de Convenciones del Hotel Barceló Renacimiento, en Sevilla. Además de los Embajadores para la Paz de UPF de España, la gran multitud incluyó a delegados de más de 30 naciones europeas y algunas tan distantes como Estados Unidos, Corea y Japón. (English | العربية)

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Seville, Spain — In town for the finals of the fourth Peace Cup, the premier international club football competition he launched in Korea six years ago, the UPF founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon took the opportunity to share a vision of peace for Europe and the world at a celebratory program at the Barceló Renacimiento Hotel Convention Center in Seville. In addition to Ambassadors for Peace from throughout Spain, the large crowd included delegates from more than 30 European nations and from as far afield as the United States, Korea, and Japan.

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Ofrezcamos todos un aplauso en gratitud a Dios, nuestro Padre Celestial – quién gobierna la vida, la muerte, la buena y mala fortuna de toda la creación – por darnos estas estaciones y días maravillosos y deslumbrantes. Durante esta estación, vibrante con vida, Dios nos está bendiciendo para que brotemos como flores y para que vivamos vidas que sean tan brillantes como el sol y tan claras como el agua de un arroyo.

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Excerpts of address in Seville, Spain, during the Peace Cup competition, August 1, 2009

Let us all offer applause in gratitude to God, our Heavenly Father who governs all life and death, fortune, and misfortune of all creation for giving us these beautiful and dazzling seasons and days. During this season, vibrant with life, God is blessing us to blossom beautifully like flowers and to live lives that are as bright as the sun and as clear as the waters of a stream.

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Madrid, Spain - Mr. Edward Hartley from the United Kingdom was the guest speaker for UPF-Spain's sixth marriage and family seminar on June 20, 2009.

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Seville, Spain - More than 1,200 people from Andalusia in southern Spain took part in a memorable weekend of football competition May 23 and 24. Particiipants included adults with learning difficulties as well as many teams of boys and girls of all ages.

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Madrid, España - En nuestra Embajada de Paz en Madrid, el 23 de mayo, sábado por la mañana, tuvo lugar el 5ª Evento Familiar sobre los Valores Familiares y los problemas relacionados con la Familia en nuestra sociedad. El número de participantes fue de 44 personas.

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Madrid, Spain - At the Peace Embassy in Madrid, UPF-Spain held its fifth seminar on family moral values and family-related social problems on May 23, 2009.

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Madrid, Spain - The Global Peace Tour featured an evening of interreligious dialogue, entertainment, and discussion of ways to strengthen the family and promote service.

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Madrid, Spain - UPF-Spain's April 18, 2009 forum on Marriage and Family Values featured a presentation on the topic of "What to Value in Our Conjugal Partner."

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Madrid, Spain - The third seminar in the Marriage and Family series, March 21, 2009, focused on the engagement period and addressed the importance of maintaining one's virginity while preparing for marriage.

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Madrid, Spain - UPF's second seminar on Marriage and Family, Feb. 21, 2009, focused how to educate young people and adults to develop the maturity of character necessary for building a successful marriage and family.

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Madrid, Spain - UPF-Spain initiated a series of monthly seminars on marriage and family with a meeting at the Peace Embassy on Jan. 31, 2009, featuring a lecture by a well-known professor from the University of Madrid.

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On May 31, the Women's Federation for World Peace in Spain celebrated an event promoting Dialogue and Friendship between African and Spanish Women. Around 200 people attended the program.

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After I left the government, which I led for 14 years, many people have asked me what leadership consists of. I do not know one political figure who studied leadership before becoming president. How do you study to become president of a country? You analyze situations to give leadership according to the context.

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La política es el arte de gobernar el espacio público que compartimos –ya sea la ciudad, la nación, o la región. Los líderes que ganan la mayoría de los votos tienen que gobernar la pluralidad de ideas. La gente de Latinoamérica y el Caribe es capaz de establecer toda clase de partidos políticos, aunque todos sus miembros quepan en un solo taxi. Pero necesitamos gobernar para aquellos que votaron por nosotros tanto como para quienes no lo hicieron. Polarizar el país, haciendo que el equipo A pelee contra el equipo B es traicionar el liderazgo moral.

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The Universal Peace Federation in cooperation with Faithlink Spain is planning a series of talks on the family. Our first conference took place on April 20, in our Peace Embassy, located in Ronda de Segovia 50, Madrid. On this first occasion the psychiatrist José M. López Molina spoke on the theme of sex, drugs, and alcohol. His talk was much more philosophical and spiritual than the sociological and statistical approach that tends to be the standard in this kind of talks.

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On April 13, 2008, we celebrated our first gathering of Ambassadors for Peace in the new headquarters of the Universal Peace Federation in Madrid. Over two hundred guests came, many more than we had expected according to the confirmations in previous days. The house was filled with the joy of meeting long-time friends and new guests. All of them praised the facilities and the beauty of the new Peace Embassy. Some already started to propose future activities in the beautiful halls.

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Spain - American Christian and Jewish leaders arrived in Spain on November 5 to deliver the UPF peace message at 23 events throughout the country.

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Baza, Granada and Sevilla, Spain— RYS renovated and built centers for different needs in three different cities. The program offered a rich diversity of cultural programs as well as special insights into Christianity, Judaism and Islam. 

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