
Latvians Take “Peace Road” through Riga
Riga, Latvia—A group of 25, including an Ambassador for Peace, carried the Peace Road 2016 banner on a march through the center of Riga.
International Day of Families Observed in Latvia
Riga, Latvia—UPF-Latvia held a program on “Successful Marriage Preparation” to celebrate both International Day of Families and Global Day of Parents.
St. Petersburg-Vilnius Super-Marathon Run Celebrates International Day of Peace
As part of UPF-Eurasia's Baltic Dialogue project, a group of long-distance runners set out from St. Petersburg Sept. 20, 2014 in a super-marathon relay run for peace, commemorating the UN International Day of Peace 2014. They arrived in Vilnius, Latvia, on Sept. 28.
Peace and Security Forum in Latvia on the Baltics and Russia
Riga, Latvia - UPF held a Peace and Security Forum in Riga, Latvia, on Sept. 28, 2013 on the theme “The Baltics and Russia: Toward a Common European Future” as part of UPF's Baltic Dialogue Initiative.
Day of Peace Observed at Educational Programs in Latvia
Riga, Latvia - UPF-Latvia observed the International Day of Peace with presentations on September 20 to secondary school students on the theme "Education for Peace."
Forum on Peace and Security on Day of Peace in Riga
Riga, Latvia - UPF-Latvia marked the International Day of Peace on Sept. 22, 2012, by inviting a professor from the military academy, Gen. Karlis Kreslins, to speak on “Prospects for Peace and Security for a Sustainable Future.”
Volunteering at an Orphanage in Latvia
Riga, Latvia - At an orphanage outside Riga damaged by a fire, volunteers cleaned up, repaired furniture, and restored the environment April 14, 2012 in the hopes that it could reopened in the summer.
Regional UPF Chair Visits Latvia to Promote Baltic Dialogue
Riga, Latvia - Mr. Eiji Tokuno, Regional Chair of UPF-Eurasia, visited Riga on Dec. 19, 2011 and met with UPF leaders and Ambassadors for Peace at the Latvia Peace Embassy. Delegations from the neighboring nations of Lithuania and Estonia traveled several hours in order to participate in the regional meeting.
Marriage and Family Program in Latvia
Riga, Latvia - UPF-Latvia held a seminar in Riga on Nov. 6, 2011, on the theme “Marriage and Family – School of Love” for Ambassadors for Peace and educators.
Day of Peace Observed in Riga
Riga, Latvia - The International Day of Peace was celebrated in Riga on Sunday, September 25 with presentations about the International Day of Peace, education as an instrument to uphold peace, and sports as a tool for spiritual growth.
Baltic Dialogue Discussed at Riga Conference
Riga, Latvia - The Universal Peace Federation-Latvia, convened the first official conference on “The Baltic Dialogue” on June 28. Among the participants were Ambassadors for Peace of Latvia, school teachers, university professors, and leaders of youth grassroots organizations. Altogether, there were about 30 guests.
Africa Day Celebrated in Riga
Riga, Latvia - Thirty people participated in an event dedicated to the celebration of Africa Day on May 29 in the Latvian Peace Embassy.
Day of Families Observed in Riga
Riga, Latvia - UPF-Latvia organized a commemoration of the International Day of Families in Riga on May 15.
Gathering for World Poetry Day in Riga
Riga, Latvia - At the Peace Embassy in Riga, a March 26, 2011 program was dedicated to UN World Poetry Day, with poems read in Latvian, Russian, Lithuanian, Polish, French and Spanish.
Spreading the Peacemaking Spirit in Latvia
Riga, Latvia - “The Peacemaking Spirit in the 21st Century” was the topic of the January 30 meeting of Ambassadors for Peace at the UPF Peace Embassy in Riga.
Day of Peace in Riga, Latvia
Riga, Latvia - The Peace Embassy in Latvia was the venue for a friendly meeting on September 25 dedicated to the Day of Peace. People talked about their dreams of peace, played cooperative games, and expressed their musical and artistic talents.
Day of Families Celebrated in Riga
Riga, Latvia - On May 13, a conference was held at the Institute of Transport and Communication in Riga, on the theme of “Future of Family, Future of the Nation.” Altogether 70 people participated, including students, professors and Ambassadors for Peace.
Peace Council Hears Reports of Korea Conference
Riga, Latvia - On October 23 at the Latvian Peace Embassy Ambassadors for Peace held a meeting of the Latvia Peace Council. The main topic was the report about the International Leadership Conference and marriage blessing that took place in Korea earlier that month.
Латвия - октя́брь
23 октября 2009 г. в Риге мира прошла встреча членов Латвийского отделения UPF и Послов мира. Ее главной темой было обсуждение Международной конференции по лидерству и церемонии Всемирного благословения, прошедших накануне в Корее.
Eurasians Moved by Marriage and Family Focus
The International Leadership Conference on “The Significance of Marriage and Family for Peace in the 21st Century” brought together delegates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Latvia, Mongolia, People's Republic of China, Russia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan as well as other parts of the world. People were moved in various ways by their experiences in Korea.