UN International Day of Families
The International Day of Families, May 15, is celebrated at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. The Universal Peace Federation joins in commemorating this day because it considers the family as a microcosm of the global community and because sustainable peace is grounded in the family as the most intimate social unit, the school of love.
- Written by: Miguel Werner, Secretary General, UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina - "Family and Social Peace Leading up to the Bicentennial" was the theme of the International Day of Families May 13 at the Juan Jesus Blasnik Auditorium in Buenos Aires.
- Written by: Shigenari Kato, Secretary General, UPF Peace Diplomats Forum
Tokyo, Japan - There are now more than two million foreign residents in Japan, and the number is rising rapidly, especially in Tokyo where as many as one in ten couples are international couples. Japan had thought of herself as a strictly homogeneous nation for a long time but is now facing the challenge of coexisting with migrants.
- Written by: UPF - Latvia
Riga, Latvia - On May 13, a conference was held at the Institute of Transport and Communication in Riga, on the theme of “Future of Family, Future of the Nation.” Altogether 70 people participated, including students, professors and Ambassadors for Peace.
- Written by: Jesus Navarro, Secretary General, UPF-Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela - UPF-Venezuela organized a celebration of the International Day of Families at the Banco del Libro in Altamira in Caracas on May 15, 2010. This commemoration was part of a workshop titled "New Incorruptible Leadership," which emphasized the family as a school of universal values and good character for future leaders of the world of peace.
- Written by: Remy Taupier, UPF-St. Lucia
Castries, St. Lucia - I had the opportunity to speak on May 15 to speak about the International Day of Families on the DBS Television Evening News. The follow are excerpts of that message:
- Written by: Hiromi Mishima, UPF-Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador - The Grand Hall of the Quito Chamber of Commerce was the setting for the International Day of Families celebration on May 15.
- Written by: Norullah Nawaey, Youth Ambassador for Peace, Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - UPF celebrated the International Day of Families in Kabul on May 14 by reaching out to ten poor families in one of the many slums of the city. The purpose was to spread the culture of celebrating such important day and articulate the central role of the family in establishing a peaceful and harmonious society.
- Written by: UPF - Israel
Jerusalem, Israel - On May 15, Ambassadors for Peace along with their families gathered at the beautiful Bell Gardens in Jerusalem. Among the participants were a city councilor, two ministerial advisers, and several professors and educators.
- Written by: Hildegard Piepenburg, UPF-Germany
Stuttgart, Germany - UPF-Germany hosted a celebration of the International Day of Families in Stuttgart on May 15. Hubert Arnoldi, the UPF representative in Stuttgart, welcomed everyone and introduced the program of the day. Karl-Christian Hausmann, Chair of UPF-Germany, spoke on "The Role of the Family as a Bridge between Cultures." This was followed by three musical presentations of international themes, demonstrating that music can be a bridge between hearts.
- Written by: Chihiro Midorikawa, UPF-Solomon Islands
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands sponsored a symposium to commemorate the annual UN International Day of Families on May 15 at the Quality Inn Hotel in the heart of the capital city of Honiara, Solomon Islands.
- Written by: T. Yoshizumi, UPF-Finland
Helsinki, Finland - UPF-Finland held a conference at the Parliament in connection with the UN International Day of Families on May 12. The chairman of the Helsinki City Council spoke in support of strengthening the family, since the well being of the family correlates with the well being of the city.
- Written by: UPF - Austria
Vienna, Austria - On the occasion of the International Day of Families, UPF-Austria in cooperation with the Viennese Family Federation held a conference on May 15 on the topic: “The Impact of Migration on Families around the World.” Various speakers, experts on the topic, as well as couples with intercultural marriage experience, gave presentations, followed by round-table discussions.
- Written by: Robin Marsh, UPF-UK
London, UK - UPF-UK sponsored an International Day of Families symposium May 16 on the theme chosen by the UN for 2010: ‘Impact of Migration on Families Around the World.’
- Written by: Myriam Nuñez Mancebo, UPF - Uruguay
- Written by: UPF - Canada
Ottawa, Canada - UPF-Canada's National Peace Council announces its annual conference June 3 in Ottawa on the theme "Making Canada’s Families Work: An Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Discussion."
- Written by: Rohan Stefan Nandkisore, UPF-Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland - A parade and exhibit in the town hall of Reykjavik marked the UN International Day of Families on May 15. This tiny island in the North Atlantic felt like a microcosm of all the cultures of our world.
- Written by: Ilija Kosić, UPF-Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia - On May 14 UPF hosted a seminar on the UN International Day of Families.
- Written by: Adeola Oyinlade, Youth Federation for World Peace, Nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria - On the UN International Day of Families, the Youth Federation for World Peace organized a one-day seminar and a ceremony commissioning new Ambassadors for Peace.
- Written by: UPF - India
Sikkim and Punjab, India - The United Nations International Day of Families was commemorated on May 15 at the Sikkim Government College in Gangtok, Sikkim, and at the Desh Bhagat Institute of Advanced Computer Sciences in Mandi Gobind Garh, Punjab.
- Written by: UPF - Netherlands
The Hague, Netherlands - UPF Netherlands supported the International Day of Families with an event at The Hague on May 15. The emcee, Sadikoen Wirjoredjo, typified the multinational heritage of many Dutch people: he is Dutch, with ancestry from Indonesia via Suriname, and his wife is German.
- Written by: Tetsuya Amano, UPF-Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh - The United Nations Information Centre, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, and Universal Peace Federation in Bangladesh jointly organized the seminar entitled “Challenges to the Security of the Human Family” to mark the International Day of Families.
- Written by: Steinar Murud, UPF-Norway
Oslo, Norway - "The family - the key to a warmer society?" was the topic of a May 19 seminar in commemoration of the UN International Day of Families.
- Written by: UPF International
New York, NY, USA - UPF held its annual symposium to mark the UN International Day of Families on May 17, 2010 at the UN Headquarters in New York.
- Written by: Csilla Balint, Secretary General, UPF-Hungary
Budapest, Hungary - An International Day of Families program on May 15, 2010, featured family volunteering at a temporary residence for families and a conference the following day on the role of families in protecting their members in both extreme and normal circumstances.