UN International Day of Families
The International Day of Families, May 15, is celebrated at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. The Universal Peace Federation joins in commemorating this day because it considers the family as a microcosm of the global community and because sustainable peace is grounded in the family as the most intimate social unit, the school of love.
- Written by: UPF - Zambia
Lusaka, Zambia - An International Day of Families event took place at the Peace Embassy in Lusaka with more than 65 participants from different walks of life, including clergymen, teachers, students, Ambassadors for Peace, and married couples.
- Written by: UPF - Sierra Leone
Freetown, Sierra Leone - UPF-Sierra Leone organized an observance of the International Day of Families in Freetown on May 15 with the theme: “Balancing Private and Public Responsibilities within the Family.” The theme drew the attention of participants from all walks of life.
- Written by: UPF - Republic of Congo
Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo - A program on the theme of Balancing Work and Family took place at the Hotel Hilary in Pointe-Noire on May 15. Among the 150 guests were top executives of UNICEF and United Nations Population Fund, a bishop of the Old Catholic Church, diplomats, government officials, and representatives of numerous civil society associations.
- Written by: UPF - Mali
Bamako, Mali - A workshop about HIV/AIDS took place at the mayor's hall in Banankabougou on May 15.
- Written by: UPF - Luxembourg
Kehlen, Luxembourg - A program on the theme of balancing spirituality and practical affairs in the family took place on May 13 to celebrate the International Day of Families. It was emceed by Brigitte Sillitoe.
- Written by: UPF - Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand - UPF-Thailand and the Family Federation for World Peace-Thailand celebrated the International Day of Families in Bangkok on May 13.
- Written by: UPF - Finland
Helsinki, Finland - Some 50 persons of all ages, many nationalities, and cultures gathered together in Helsinki to recognize and celebrate the yearly International Day of Families. The theme was ”Balancing Spirituality and Practical Affairs in the Family.”
- Written by: UPF - Guyana
Georgetown, Guyana - Over 150 persons people attended an observance of the UN International Day of Families at the Family Federation chapel in Georgetown on May 15. The extra persons were accomodated under a tent erected on the lawn.
- Written by: UPF - Cote d'Ivoire
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - The UN International Day of Families was commemorated on May 16 in the City Hall of Plateau, Abidjan, with the theme “Balance between Work and Family.” More than 230 people from all areas of Abidjan and from all ranks of society joined to celebrate family values.
- Written by: UPF - Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland - In collaboration with the city of Reykjavik and many organizations, mainly national groups from countries around the world, UPF-Iceland participated in a parade followed by an exhibition at the town hall of Reykjavik on May 12.
- Written by: UPF - Moldova
Chisinau, Moldova - A Festival of Families on the theme of Happy Families - Happy Nation took place in Chisinau's Central District City Hall on May 15.
- Written by: UPF - India
New Delhi, Gangtok, and Lucknow, India - UPF-India organized four events in commemoration of the International Day of Families.
- Written by: UPF - Canada
Montreal, Canada - The International Day of Families forum at Hotel Ruby Foos in Montreal on May 16 included a talk given by Ambassador for Peace John Linden on the challenges of intercultural and inter-racial marriage.
- Written by: UPF - Cameroon
The International Day of Families was commemorated at three seminars organized by UPF-Cameroon: in the West region (Bafoussam on May 14), far north (Kousseri on May 15), and Central region (Yaoundé on May 15) with a total of 167 participants including government officials, Members of Parliament, religious leaders, traditional rulers, journalists, university students, and leaders of civil society.
- Written by: UPF - Sri Lanka
Colombo, Sri Lanka - The UN International Day of Families was commemorated on May 18 at the Auditorium of the Department of Education of the Western Province of SriLanka.
- Written by: UPF - Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia - UPF-Georgia observed the International Day of Families with programs at a school for mentally handicapped children on May 13 and the Women's Information Center on May 15.
- Written by: UPF - Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal - Interactive forums, peace and family educational programs, and distribution of scholarship grants to poor and less privileged students were features of the UN International Day of Families programs throughout Nepal between May 5 and 14. Nationwide, around 1400 people participated in events in 15 cities.
- Written by: UPF - Solomon Islands
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands organized a special program to commemorate the UN International Day of Families at the Rock Havens Inn Hotel on May 19.
- Written by: UPF - Lithuania
Panevezys, Lithuania - In cooperation with the “Atjauta” (Compassion), an organization in Panevezys that works with at-risk children, UPF-Lithuania organized a celebration of the International Day of Families on May 15.
- Written by: UPF - Belarus
Minsk, Belarus - In preparation for the International Day of Families, UPF-Belarus initiated a number of projects on May 5 to strengthen “Relationships among the generations.” Volunteers helped veterans with housework and listened to informative stories about their life experience during World War II.
- Written by: UPF - Cambodia
Chork, Cambodia - After attending a family seminar in the capital last November, the father of a young Ambassador for Peace invited UPF-Cambodia to hold a family seminar for the people in his village. The May 9 program focused on strengthening the unity between husband and wife and between families and communities, to help ensure work-family balance, the theme of this year's UN International Day of Families.
- Written by: UPF - Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay - UPF-Uruguay organized a luncheon program in commemoration of the International Day of Families on June 10.
- Written by: Hod Ben Zvi, Senior Advisor, UPF-Israel
Daliat El Carmel, Israel - Honoring the UN's 2012 International Day of Families, some 30 community leaders gathered in the Druze village of Daliat El Carmel on May 12. The village is located on the magnificent Mount Carmel near Israel's northern coast, amongst lush green olive orchards.
- Written by: UPF - San Marino
San Marino - An International Day of Families program was organized by UPF-San Marino on May 12 in partnership with the San Marino Cultural Academy Le Tre Castella and the University for Peace headquartered in Ancona, Italy.