Conférence sur le programme d’éthique et culture religieuse au Québec
- Saturday, March 21, 2009
Le 21 mars 2009, 33 leaders religieux du Québec se sont réunis pour prendre connaissance de l’essence du nouveau programme d’éthique et culture religieuse (ÉCR) enseigné obligatoirement depuis le mois de septembre 2008 dans tous les établissements d’enseignement primaire et secondaire au Québec.
Cumbre Internacional de Líderes Jóvenes en Nairobi atrae una atención impresionante
- Saturday, March 21, 2009
Nairobi, Kenia - Centenares de líderes y profesionales jóvenes convergieron de todas partes de África y del mundo, a la oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Nairobi, Kenia, el 20 de marzo, para poner en marcha un movimiento de Embajadores Jóvenes para la Paz, y para obtener el conocimiento y las herramientas para construir exitosamente la paz y alcanzar las Metas de Desarrollo del Milenio, de la ONU.
Caminhada da Paz no Gama foi um sucesso!
- Sunday, March 15, 2009
A XV Caminhada da Paz organizada pelo Rotary Club do Gama contou com a adesão de várias ONG’s da cidade, governo e comunidade neste domingo dia 15 de março. Aproximadamente 2000 pessoas atenderam ao evento com muita animação e alegria.
Les OMD et le rôle des femmes
- Sunday, March 15, 2009
M. Hamid Al Bayati voit dans les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) « un cadre pour la coopération internationale » et « un mandat mondial pour le changement ». Le représentant permanent de l’Iraq aux Nations unies siège dans la commission de l’ONU sur le statut des femmes. « En matière de santé maternelle, d’infection au VIH et d’éducation des femmes, le manque de progrès est criant. »
Comment bâtir la paix en Afrique au 21e siècle
- Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pourquoi tant de violence en Afrique ? Dans une thèse désormais classique illustrée par le schéma ci-dessus, Kenneth Waltz disait que toute guerre superpose trois images : (1) la nature humaine et ce que Kant appelait le mal radical de l'homme (2), l'Etat-nation et ses dysfonctionnements institutionnels (3) Les rapports internationaux encore dominés par l'anarchie.
Gira por la paz Global en Malasia inspira a estudiantes a ayudar a otros
- Monday, March 9, 2009
Kuala Lumpur, Malasia - Los niños en Malasia están tomando la delantera en demostrar cómo pueden hacer una diferencia en la vida de niños desamparados. Con la campaña “Fuerza de los 10 Sen(moneda de Malasia)”, la acción colectiva de contribuir con una pequeña moneda se está convirtiendo en un movimiento por la paz a nivel nacional, que está establecido para ayudar a niños en todo el mundo.
Gira pone en marcha una iniciativa de paz en Mindanao
- Friday, March 6, 2009
Mindanao, Filipinas – Construyendo sobre el fundamento de los exitosos Festivales para la Paz Global en Manila y en la isla filipina meridional de Mindanao el año pasado, la Federación para la Paz Universal puso en marcha la iniciativa de paz de Mindanao en una reunión en la Cámara de Representantes filipina, una concentración en el Coliseo Araneta, y en ciudades a lo largo de Mindanao, a fines de febrero y principios de marzo.
L’initiative de paix à Mindanao
- Friday, March 6, 2009
S’appuyant sur le succès des festivals internationaux pour la paix à Manille et dans l’île méridionale de Mindanao l’année dernière, la Fédération pour la paix universelle (FPU) a lancé l’initiative de paix de Mindanao lors d’une session au Parlement philippin, puis au Araneta Coliseum et dans les villes du Nord de Mindanao.
African Peace Initiatives
- Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The African continent faces many daunting challenges, from extreme poverty and environmental degradation to political instability and crises in providing basic education and health care.
- Goals: Address the challenges of good governance and post-conflict healing
- Methods: Conferences, consultations, leadership seminars
Participation in National Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
Cote d'Ivoire (2011), Liberia (2006, 2009)
Leadership Conferences
Benin (2007, 2008, 2009), Burundi (2006), Cameroon (2006, 2010), Chad (2010), Congo (2010), Cote d'Ivoire (2006, 2008), Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006, 2010, 2012, 2013), Ethiopia (2011, 2014), Kenya (2008, 2010), Liberia (Feb., July 2006), Mali (2008), Niger (2009), Nigeria (2009, 2011, July & September 2013), Sierra Leone (2007, 2008)
Insights about Peacebuilding
H.E. Daniel Ohene Agyekum, Ambassador of Ghana to the US, "Address to the International Leadership Conference"
Hon. Michael Kaase Aondoakaa, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Nigeria: "The Rule of Law"
Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Former Secretary-General, United Nations, "United Nations Renewal" [en français]
Ambassador Gerald Coleman, Member, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Liberia: "Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report"
H.E. A. Sware El Dahab, President of Sudan (1985-86), "Rights for Both Muslims and Non-Muslims"
Dr. Hasmukh Dawda, Chair, UPF-Kenya, "Take up the Baton of Peace"
Gen. Bantu Holomisa, Member of Parliament, South Africa; President, United Democratic Movement: "Challenges of Governance in South Africa and Beyond"
Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCON, Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, "Teaching Good Leadership"
Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, former president, Sierra Leone: "Building Peace in Sierra Leone"Dr. Evelyn S. Kandakai, Former Minister of Education, Liberia: "Women for Peace Are Needed"
H.E. Mama Salma J. Kikwete, First Lady of Tanzania: "Peace Knows No Borders" [en français]
H.E. Gabriel Messan Agbeyome Kodjo, Prime Minister, Togo (2000-2002), "Spiritual Values as a Foundation for Leadership" [en français]
Rt. Hon. Gen. Malimba Masheke, Prime Minister, Zambia (1989-1991), "Building a World of Peace - One Family under God", "Critical Issues Facing Africa"
Bishop Abel T. Muzorewa, President, Zimbabwe (1979) "Better Images of Africa," "Congratulatory Message on the Establishment of a Government of National Unity"
Mrs. Ida Odinga, Chief Executive Officer of Spectra East Africa, Kenya: "The Beauty of Diversity," "Touching the Hearts of the People of Kenya"
Hon. Raila Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya: "A Commitment to Reconciliation" [en français]
H.E. U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations, "Women and the World at a Turning Point"
Mrs. Caroline Usikpedo Omoniye, President, Niger Delta Women's Movement for Peace and Development, "Women Waging Peace in the Niger Delta"
Nazlin Omar Rasput, Chair, Muslim Council of Kenya, "A Religion for Every Woman"
H.E. Mrs. Lila Hanitra Ratsifandrihamanana, Ambassador, Office of the Permanent Observer of the African Union, "One Village, One Family"
Dr. Ernest Shonekan, Former President, Nigeria: "Tackle the Range of Crises"
H.E. Alpha Ibrahim Sow, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Guinea to the UN, "Families Are Foundations of a Healthy Society"
Dr. Anna Tibaijuka, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN-HABITAT: "Africa Is a Land of Great Potential"
Hon. Jenekai Alex Tyler, Speaker, House of Representatives, Liberia: "Poverty, Family Breakdown, Corruption, Interfaith, Intertribal Conflict and the Rule of Law in Liberia"
H.E. Manuel Serifo Nhamadjo, President, Guinea-Bissau: Address to World Summit 2013
Mme Mintou Doucoure Traore, First Lady of Mali: Address to World Summit 2013
H.E. Alcino Martinho de Barros Pinto, President of the National Assembly, Sao Tome and Principe: Address to World Summit 2013
Mme Tunu Rehani Pinda, Wife of the Prime Minister, Tanzania: Address to World Summit 2013
Rt. Hon. Morgan R. Tsvangirai, Prime Minister, Zimbabwe: Address to World Summit 2013
Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, Former UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs: Address to World Summit 2013
H.E. Ndayizeye Domitien, President of Burundi (2003-2005): Address to World Summit 2013
H.E. Jerry John Rawlings, Former President of Ghana: Address to World Summit 2013
Hon. Lambert Mende Omalanga, Minister of Information, Democratic Republic of Congo: Address to World Summit 2013
H.E. U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the United Nations: The Price of Violence and Dividends in Healing the Wounds of History
Hon. Salisu Ahmed Barau, Commissioner for Religion, Bauchi State, Nigeria: Countering Religious Tensions in Nigeria
Rev. Kennedy Masau Kakto, Christian minister, Bauchi State, Nigeria: Bringing Peace Among the People in Bauchi State, Nigeria
Mrs. Ulasi Ebele, National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic in Persons, Nigeria: Human Trafficking - A Modern-Day Slavery
Dr. Raphael Ogar Oko, International Coordinator, Global Educators for All Initiative, Nigeria: National Corruption and Economic Slavery: A Burden for the Future Generation - The Issues and Way Forward
En Français
Le renouveau de l’ONU, par Boutros Boutros-Ghali, ancien secrétaire général de l'ONU
Le Premier ministre ODINGA accueille le Festival mondial pour la paix au Kenya, par GPF-Kenya
S’engager sur la voie de la réconciliation, par Hon. Raila Odinga, Premier Ministre, Kenya
Assainir le fleuve Nairobi, par Geoffrey Gichuki
Un jour de paix au Kenya, par Frederick Wakhisi
Conférence pour la paix au Kenya œuvrer à la réconciliation et au pardon, par Geoffrey Gichuki
Nous avons été comblésau plus haut point, par Mme Neerja Mehta, Kenya
La paix ignore les frontières, par madame Mama Salma J. Kikwete, première dame de Tanzanie
L’Afrique et la paix, par Michael Kaase Aondoakaa, procureur général et ministre de la justice du Nigéria
L’Afrique et la paix, par Général Malimba Masheke, ancien premier ministre de Zambie
Côte d’Ivoire : bâtir la paix en plein cœur, par Daniel Bessell, directeur exécutif de RYS
En Benin, besoin de stabilité, par UPF-Benin
En Dieu : une famille humaine qui embrasse l’Afrique, par Laurent Ladouce, France
Jean-Paul Samputu, ambassadeur de paix en Rwanda, par Monique Lafon, Canada
Responsabilité et sécurité humaine en Afrique, par Laurent Ladouce, France
Présentation au Sommet mondial 2013, par Mme Traore Mintou Doucoure, Premiere Dame du Mali
Présentation au Sommet mondial 2013, par H.E. Alcino Martinho de Barros Pinto, President de l'Assemblée Nationale, Sao Tome and Principe
Présentation au Sommet mondial 2013, par l’Honorable Ndayizeye Domitien, ancien Président du Burundi
Welcome Address to International Leadership Conference
- Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Your Excellencies. Distinguished delegates from throughout the world. Ambassadors for Peace.
On behalf of the Founders of the Universal Peace Federation, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, it is my honor and privilege to address you today at the International Leadership Conference of the Global Peace Tour 2009, sponsored by the Universal Peace Federation. The focus of our program is “One Family Under God: A New Vision for Peace in the 21st Century.”
The International Leadership Conference series is an essential part of the mission and work of UPF, guided by a vision of building a world of universal peace that goes beyond barriers of race, religion, nationality and culture.
I hope that each of you will seriously reflect on the content that will be presented over the next couple of days. Please take a leading role in advancing the work of UPF and its mission to establish a new paradigm of leadership and good governance, from the individual level, to the family, civil society, the nation and the world.
In carrying out its mission, UPF works in collaboration with governments, faith-based organizations, NGOs and academic institutions, providing a value-centered and God-centered vision of peace.
We live at time of global crisis. Not only a financial crisis, and not only a crisis of ongoing conflict and violence, but more fundamentally, we face a growing moral and spiritual crisis, and a crisis that undermines the core social institution, the family. Governments, financial institutions, corporations, the United Nations itself, and even many of our religious institutions are in disarray and confusion.
Today, more than ever before, there is a hunger and thirst for new vision and leadership. This hunger and thirst can be found in the heart of any child. It doesn’t matter if they are black or white, red or yellow, Catholic or Protestant, Muslim or Christian, Jew or Gentile. Every human heart longs for peace, and hopes for love, and joy. This is our original nature, given to us by God.
But why is this ideal so difficult to achieve?
Unfortunately, the history of humanity has been one of suffering and conflict. Many of our holy scriptures speak to this point in describing the “Fall of Man.” According to the story of Adam and Eve, God’s ideal of peace was lost within the very first human family. Adam and Eve violated the core principle of true love and grew distant from God. As a result, their children, Cain and Abel, grew up in a family characterized by jealousy, resentment, conflict and spiritual confusion. Adam and Eve watched in horror and shock as their first son, Cain, killed the younger son, Abel.
How do you think God felt as he looked on and observed this horrible breakdown of his ideal of true love and the corruption of the social and moral order within the first family? His heart was broken.
Tragically, this pattern of division and enmity has become the archetype of human history. Struggle and disharmony between men and women and between siblings continues on all levels of human society. We see it in the disharmony, jealousy and conflict that exist between peoples, nations, and religions. This tragic pattern of division continues to bring sorrow to the heart of God, and suffering to humanity.
We can see various examples of the pattern of Cain and Abel struggle within history. For example, in the division between atheism and theism, between materialistic communism and the democratic societies which affirm religion, between free sex and family values, and between conflict-centered approaches to social change and approaches that seek mutual understanding and peaceful reconciliation.
This pattern of division must be overcome. This is the mission of the UPF.
To restore the divided human family, we need true peacemakers; persons who stand as sons and daughters of true love, committed to a life of service to others. There needs to be institutions, including governments, religions, NGOs, and businesses that manifest this same commitment. Such individuals and institutions are described by Rev. Moon as “Abel-like” or “Parental.”
For this reason, he continually calls on each of us, as the members of UPF, to transform ourselves and to become “Abel-like,” living for the sake of others and living in accordance with God’s will. On this foundation, we work to build a global movement for peace, an “Abel UN” or “Parent UN” characterized by “service leadership” and good governance.
It is the mission of the UPF, as an “Abel UN,” to work to reconcile human relationships, and bring races, nations and religions together as members of one universal human family. After all, we all aspire to achieve one goal. That goal is to bring the divided human family back together, to establish a universal realm of peace, unity, freedom, and happiness for all people, to build “one family under God.”
It is this ideal that guides the UPF in its many peace initiatives, in Africa, in the Balkans, in the Middle East, in Northeast Asia, in South Asia, in the Americas, in the South Caucasus, and, in Southeast Asia.
With this end in mind, Father Moon initiated the “one family under God” Blessing movement in 1960, to promote families of true love, families that go beyond barriers of race, religion, nationality and culture. In this way, we work to build one family under God, one family at a time.
Father Moon continually teaches about the importance of true love. It is the basis of his vision of leadership and good governance. I would like to read a passage on true love, taken from his “peace message”
The heavenly kingdom is a world overflowing with God’s true love….[It] is a natural world where all people live for the sake of one another. Antagonism and jealousy cannot be found anywhere in that world. It is a world that is not governed by money, position or power….. [It] is a world filled with the air of true love, where everyone breathes true love. Its life throbs with love, everywhere and all the time. The citizens of that kingdom are all linked together through their common membership in God’s lineage. There, the whole world and all people are connected in an inseparable relationship, like the cells in our bodies. True love, the love that is God’s essence, is Heaven’s only governing power. Accordingly, God also exists for true love.
The United Nations, created in 1945 after World War II, is the premier institution of global governance. And, whereas we can appreciate and respect the mission and work of the UN, we also recognize that it has serious limitations. In particular, the UN is focused too exclusively on political, economic, and secular approaches to peace and development. Its Security Council is plagued by deep-seated divisions among the permanent members.
Most importantly, the UN has adopted an entirely secularist worldview, excluding the spiritual dimension of human experience. It has focused on the principle of national sovereignty as its guiding value, but with little consideration of God or the teachings of our world’s great religions. For that reason, in August of 2000, Father Moon proposed that the UN establish an interreligious council within its system, thereby allowing spiritual leaders, representing billions of people worldwide, to be included in the serious work of resolving conflict and establishing peace in this world.
Father Moon has always wanted to see the United Nations affirm the highest spiritual truths and live for the sake of others, thereby becoming an “Abel UN” or a “Parent UN.” The trademark of an “Abel UN” is not realpolitik or national self interest, but service, cooperation, and the promotion of reconciliation and harmony among religious, racial, and ethnic groups, as well as among nations, building one family under God.
This vision represents a new paradigm of leadership and good governance for our world. It is this vision that has inspired UPF’s Founder to create a number of programs and associations that foster harmony and cooperation among the nations, peoples and faith traditions of our world. UPF, centering on the International Leadership Conferences, stands at the center of that effort, together with many affiliated organizations, including the Family Federation for World Peace, the Women’s Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace, the Mongolian Peoples’ Federation for World Peace, the World Association of NGOs, the Peace Dream Foundation, and many others.
UPF is calling for a new paradigm in leadership and good governance. The proposal for an “Abel UN” or “Parent UN” is an outgrowth of this vision.
The characteristics of this “new paradigm” include the affirmation of:
• God as our common origin and the source of our value and dignity;
• the principle of "living for the sake of others";
• the sacred value of marriage and family;
• spiritual and secular perspectives and approaches to peace;
• dialogue, understanding, reconciliation and cooperation among people of all races, religions, nationalities and cultures;
• multi-sectoral collaboration among representatives of governments, inter-governmental organizations, faith-based organizations, the private sector, and civil society.
Let us work together over the next few days to move forward in establishing this new paradigm of leadership and good governance. We invite your help, support, and guidance as we work to build greater cooperation and unity among the peoples, the religions, and the governments of our world.
Let us work together over the next few days to build a “Abel UN” for lasting peace and true human development. Let us each seek to develop our own “Abel like” character, and expand that character and the principles of true love to our families, our communities, our institutions, our nations, and the entire human family.
Thank you very much.
Nuevas percepciones sobre paz presentadas en Moscú
- Sunday, March 1, 2009
Moscú, Rusia - La Federación para la Paz Universal (UPF) organizó en Moscú la primera reunión de Eurasia de la Gira para la Paz Global 2009. Fue una oportunidad reunir a Embajadores para la paz y a nuevos contactos, y transmitir la visión de nuestro fundador para el 2009 y para los cuatro años venideros.
Iniciativa para la paz global lanzada en Japón
- Sunday, March 1, 2009