UN International Day of Families
The International Day of Families, May 15, is celebrated at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. The Universal Peace Federation joins in commemorating this day because it considers the family as a microcosm of the global community and because sustainable peace is grounded in the family as the most intimate social unit, the school of love.
- Written by: Barbara Grabner, UPF-Slovakia
Bratislava, Slovakia—UPF celebrated with a lecture titled “The Relationship between Family and Politics.”
- Written by: Ejona Icka, secretary general, UPF-Kosovo
Pristina, Kosovo—The importance of strong families was the subject of UPF Peace Council meetings in two cities.
- Written by: UPF-Asia Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand—The opening session of UPF’s 12th Asia Pacific Leadership Conference celebrated the UN International Day of Families 2022.
- Written by: Dr. Neudir Simão Ferabolli, General Secretary, UPF-South America
Brazil—On May 14, 2022, UPF-Brazil held a meeting of Ambassadors for Peace in commemoration of the International Day of Peace.
- Written by: Steinar Murud, secretary general, UPF-Norway
Oslo, Norway—A webinar organized by UPF considered changing norms in regard to the family.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated the UN International Day of Families 2021 in an online meeting with more than 100 participants.
- Written by: UPF International
United States—Commemorating the UN International Day of Families, UPF organized the virtual program “Families and New Technology: The Challenging Impact of Social Media.”
- Written by: Raúl Rey Banegas, President, UPF-Uruguay
Uruguay—UPF-Uruguay panel examined families from the perspectives of education, religion, and the law.
- Written by: Heiner Handschin, director, UPF Office for UN Relations
Prague, Czech Republic—UPF of Central Europe held an online conference to celebrate the International Day of Families.
- Written by: Maka Abugbaia, chair, UPF-Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia—The main speaker addressed the issue of challenges of family relationships.
- Written by: Hubert Arnoldi and Hildegard Piepenburg, UPF-Germany
Stuttgart, Germany—The 2021 International Day of Families was celebrated by a gathering in the UPF-Stuttgart premises, joined by others online.
- Written by: Achille Mouanda, UPF-Congo Brazzaville
Nkayi, Congo Brazzaville—UPF-Congo celebrated the 2021 UN International Day of Families on May 30 by holding an educational conference for couples.
- Written by: Elena Knyazeva, UPF-Moscow
Lyubertsy, Russia—UPF activists joined a group of 1,000 volunteers in a local environmental program.
- Written by: UPF-Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal—A virtual celebration of the UN International Day of Families 2021 organized by UPF-Nepal was attended by 132 people.
- Written by: UPF-Asia Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand—UPF-Asia Pacific commemorated the UN International Day of Families 2021 during the Opening Session of its 6th online Asia Pacific Leadership Conference.
- Written by: Dr. Oliver Davies, UPF-UK; coordinator for IAAP-UK
London, United Kingdom—Four guest speakers gave their insights into parenting and child development.
- Written by: UPF International
United States—The International Day of Families was commemorated by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs with a webinar on May 14, 2021, on “Families and New Technologies.”
- Written by: UPF-Brazil
Brazil—On May 15, 2021, UPF-Brazil held a meeting of Ambassadors of Peace to appoint new Ambassadors for Peace and to commemorate the 2021 UN International Day of Families.
- Written by: Franco Ravaglioli, secretary general, UPF-Italy
Rome, Italy—The future of the family was the theme of a webinar organized by UPF and an affiliated organization.
- Written by: Dmitry Samko, chairman, UPF-Moscow
Moscow, Russia—UPF and two affiliated organizations held an international conference in honor of International Day of Families.
- Written by: Mykhailo Ilin, secretary general, UPF-Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine—UPF-Ukraine held an online program for young people with the title “The Necessity of Married Life.”
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina recognized six couples who have been married for 31–49 years in the context of the International Day of Families 2020.
- Written by: Mag. Elisabeth Cook, president, FFWPU-Austria
Vienna, Austria—Experts from Germany and Austria participated in an online conference to emphasize the importance of the family.
- Written by: Dmitry Samko, secretary general, UPF-Moscow
Moscow, Russia—UPF dedicated the first of a series of online interviews to UN International Day of Families.