UN International Day of Families
The International Day of Families, May 15, is celebrated at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. The Universal Peace Federation joins in commemorating this day because it considers the family as a microcosm of the global community and because sustainable peace is grounded in the family as the most intimate social unit, the school of love.
- Written by: UPF-Albania
Tirana, Albania—More than 160 participants, including many prominent Albanians, attended a celebration of the UN International Day of Families in the UNESCO Hall of the National Historical Museum.
- Written by: UPF-Albania
Korça, Albania—About 120 guests attended a UPF conference held in honor of UN International Day of Families with the theme “The Importance of Family Values in an Era of Global Crisis.”
- Written by: Anja Brina, UPF-Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany—The International Day of Families was observed with a talk about the importance of the family, followed by prayers offered by an interfaith prayer circle.
- Written by: Dietmar Jorde, UPF-Germany
Nuremberg, Germany—To mark the UN International Day of Families, UPF held a discussion on “Attachment Theory, or How Love Really Works.”
- Written by: Mag. Elisabeth Cook, UPF-Austria
Vienna, Austria—More than 200 guests, including Ambassadors for Peace and NGO leaders, attended a celebration of the 2017 International Day of Families.
- Written by: Franco Ravaglioli, secretary general, UPF-Italy
Bergamo, Italy—International Day of Families was celebrated in the northern Italian city of Bergamo under the theme "The Value of the Family for the New Millennium.”
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Haedo, Argentina—Six couples who have been married for more than 25 years were honored at an event held in Haedo city in Buenos Aires province to celebrate the International Day of Families.
- Written by: Robert Bentele, secretary general, UPF-Munich
Munich, Germany—The 2017 International Day of Families was celebrated by the Munich branch of UPF with a discussion promoting true family values.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated the 2017 International Day of Families by recognizing twelve couples who have been married between 28 and 59 years.
- Written by: Maria Pammer, secretary general, UPF of Upper Austria
Linz, Austria—To commemorate the UN International Day of Families, the Upper Austrian chapter of UPF held a discussion on the topic “What Value Does the Family Have?”
- Written by: Jacques Marion, chair, UPF-France
Paris, France—In honor of the 2017 UN International Day of Families, UPF-France held a forum under the theme “The Family in the 21st Century—Evolution or Crisis?”
- Written by: Lynn Walsh, director, UPF Office of Marriage and Family Education
New York, United States—“Parents’ Role in Helping Their Children Thrive” was the theme of a program held at the United Nations to commemorate the UN International Day of Families.
- Written by: Giuseppe Cali, president, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) Italy
Rome, Italy—On the occasion of the UN International Day of Families, UPF-Italy held a conference in the Palazzo San Macuto of the Italian Parliament.
- Written by: UPF-Peru
Trujillo, Peru—The Trujillo chapter of UPF-Peru celebrated the UN International Day of Families by honoring couples who have been married for many years.
- Written by: Dr. Raphael Ogar Oko, secretary general, UPF-Nigeria
Uyo, Nigeria—About 40 children of Ambassadors for Peace marched in a parade and sang "peace songs" to celebrate the 2017 International Day of Families.
- Written by: UPF-Taiwan
New Taipei City, Taiwan—Ambassadors for Peace and members of UPF-Taiwan celebrated the UN International Day of Families and Mother’s Day on May 15.
- Written by: UPF-Peru
Lima, Peru—More than 200 people attended an event UPF-Peru organized at the Congress of Peru in celebration of the UN International Day of Families 2017.
- Written by: Steinar Murud, secretary general, UPF-Norway
Oslo, Norway—The UN International Day of Families was celebrated with a program on the topic “Family and Society—Our Families’ Situation in 2017.”
- Written by: Greg Stone, president, UPF-Australia
Sydney, Australia—The UN International Day of Families was commemorated by UPF-Australia at its bimonthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Córdoba, Argentina—Four married couples were honored as part of the UPF-Argentina celebration of the International Day of Families 2016 in Córdoba city.
- Written by: UPF-St. Lucia
Castries, St. Lucia—“The Family and the Sustainable Future of St. Lucia” was the theme of a special forum UPF held in celebration of the UN International Day of Families 2016.
- Written by: UPF-Nepal
Jhapa, Nepal—International Day of Families 2016 was celebrated by UPF in seven provinces in Nepal.
- Written by: UPF-Fiji
Nausori, Fiji—Eight exemplary married couples were honored as part of the UPF-Fiji celebration of the U.N. International Day of Families 2016.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated the International Day of Families 2016 by recognizing couples who have been married for more than 25 years.