Welcome to the UPF resource page for the Marriage and Family Initiative and the UN International Day of Families observances. Here you will find a variety of materials to help you create a successful program, including flyers, banners, program guides, and other resources.

How to use this resource (.docx)

Click on the tabs below to see the resources for each section.


{upftabs}UN International Day of Families |

UN International Day of Families 2015
Link to United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals

Flyer/Cover PINK

PINK Version: Zip File Download 27.4MB (pdf, jpg, ai)

Flyer/Cover RED

RED Version: Zip File Download 27.4MB (pdf, jpg, ai)

Podium Sign PINK
24in x 24in

PINK Version: Zip File Download 40MB (pdf, jpg, ai)

Podium Sign RED
24in x 24in

RED Version: Zip File Download 40MB (pdf, jpg, ai)


Banner PINK
24ft x 6ft

PINK Version: Zip File Download 25MB (pdf, jpg, ai)


Banner RED
24ft x 6ft

RED Version: Zip File Download 25MB (pdf, jpg, ai)


Powerpoint Background

PINK Version: Zip File Download 100KB

RED Version: Zip File Download 100KB


|| UPF Marriage and Family |


Russian (4MB)

Fliers, signs, and banners




Flyer (A4)

English Version (pdf, jpg)

No-Text Version (pdf, jpg)

Podium Sign
21in x 12in / 53cm x 30cm


English Version (4.5MB)

No-Text Version (3.8MB)



(144in x 40in / 365cm x 100cm)

English Version (pdf, jpg)

No-Text Version (pdf, jpg)

Illustrator CS2 Editable Version


|| Sample
Seminar |

Suggested Schedule

We offer two options for each session. You can decide which option works best for you; and it is fine to take Option A for one session and Option B for another session, just as you like. You don't have to follow the entire schedule, or have all the sessions, or have them in the sequence shown here. You can also substitute in your own content, and if you do, please let us know what you did and how it worked out. For more information or to discuss a proposed program, you can email UPF's Director of Marriage and Family Education, Mrs. Lynn Walsh.

Session 1: Introduction

Option A

Moderator Statement

Handout: UPF Marriage and Family Statement

Option B

Moderator Statement

Presentation: UPF Recent Highlights

Handout: UPF Marriage and Family Statement

Session 2: Benefits of Marriage

Option A

Presentation: Benefits of Marriage (Russian)

Why get married? Why stay married? This interactive session invites people to contribute their responses and promotes a vision of the family as the school of love. Research findings on the benefits of marriage to both the couple and their children are introduced and discussed.


Handout: 30 Reasons Why Marriage Is Important

Handout: National Divorce League Table

Option B

Presentation: Promoting a Marriage-Friendly Culture

Building on “The Benefits of Marriage” presentation, this interactive session introduces strategies to promote strong and stable marriages. Group discussions stimulate people to make plans for additional ways their community and nation can support thriving, lasting marriages.


Handout: Checklist for a Marriage-Friendly Culture

Session 3: Family as a School of Love and Peace

Option A

Presentation: Family as a School of Love and Peace

The family is the primary human institution and is considered sacred by religions throughout the world. This presentation explores how people grow in love through family relations and learn to related with others as members of the broader human family. The World Peace Blessing is introduced as a public commitment to honoring the oneness of the human family.


Handout: Religious Insights on Marriage and Family

Group Discussion/Questions

Option B

Presentation: Solving Moral Confusion

Universal values, expressed in the world’s religions, guide our personal behavior and relations with others. Created in the divine image as male and female, we are called to exercise both freedom and responsibility as we grow in love. This presentation describes human sexuality, consummated in marriage, as sacred and the origin of love, life, and lineage.

Handout: Religious Insights on Marriage and Family

Group Discussion/Questions

Session 4: Building Better Family Relationships

Option A

Presentation: Really Listening

Somehow we forget how different our spouse is from us and yet we want them to understand us or do things the way we would. If we want to bridge some of the gaps, the key is effective listening. But research has shown that most of us do not listen well (and many spouses would say the same). In this session we introduce some tried and true listening structures that promote empathy, deeper understanding, and emotional safety. These skills are practiced in this session so the participant can get a sense of how to bring these skills home to spark better connections.

Handout: The Speaker-Listener Technique

Handout: Tools to Improve Communication

Group Discussion/Questions

Option B

Presentation: Parenting Teens

What to do when your teen’s behavior is scaring you out of your wits? If the family is the school of love, parents are the teachers. How we respond when we are upset with our adolescent offers a challenging but important opportunity to teach about relationships and values. This interactive program gives parents opportunities to learn skills that build positive relationships with their children while modeling good communication.


Handout: Parenting Teens Handout

Group Discussion/Questions

Session 5: Marriage and Family as Instruments of Peace

Option A

Presentation: World Peace Blessing

This presentation introduces God’s original ideal of the family and how it was broken by the human fall that corrupted love and divided people from one another and their creator. The World Peace Blessings, instituted by Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, are central to their vision of bringing together the human family under God, transcending boundaries of religion, race, culture, and nationality.

Handout: Sun Myung Moon on Marriage

Group Discussion/Questions

Option B

Presentation: Marriage, My Spiritual Path

Marriage provides us with the most fulfilling and personal challenge: how does one imperfect person learn to truly love another imperfect person? Most of us tend to think, “If he or she would only do this or be that, then I would be happy.” However, when we see marriage as a spiritual path for our growth, the change in our perspective can be the change we are actually looking for.

Handout: Marriage and Spiritual Growth

Group Discussion/Questions

Option C

Presentation: Family Values and Peace

In order to have citizens capable of creating peace in the world, we need stable families that instill values and capacities for peacebuilding. Marriage and the family serve a unique and essential purpose for optimum human development. Research is showing that straying from that purpose weakens the family, increasing disadvantages for the next generation and the future. Clarifying the value of the family will help us strengthen this essential building block of peace.



Moderator's Remarks


Additional Resources


Spanish PowerPoint Presentations

Una preparación exitosa para el matrimonio

Matrimonio y familia

Construyendo matrimonios sanos, firmes y felices

La ética del verdadero amor y la sexualidad

¿Cuál debería ser la relación sexual ideal entre marido y esposa?

