UN International Day of Peace
Each year on September 21, the UN invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities and commemorate the International Day of Peace through education and public awareness on issues related to peace. In the quest for peace, UPF and its Ambassadors for Peace around the world organize commemorations of the International Day of Peace each year.
- Written by: UPF - Russia
Women's organizations, including the Women's Federation for World Peace, organized programs in commemoration of the International Day of Peace in Moscow, Perm, and Yekaterinburg.
- Written by: UPF - Russia
UPF-Russia collaborated with various organizations to hold conferences and forums on topics related to peace in Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and Novosibirsk.
- Written by: UPF - Russia
UPF chapters throughout Russia organized a variety of educational and cultural events related to peace at schools in Khabarovsk, Kondopoga, Kostomuksha, Pokrovskoye, Saratov, Serov, Tyumen, and Volgograd.
- Written by: John D.S.Samura, Secretary General, UPF-Sierra Leone
Freetown, Sierra Leone - Joining the whole world on September 21, to celebrate World Peace Day, UPF-Sierra Leone embarked on an attitudinal change by cleaning at the Connaught Teaching Government Hospital.
- Written by: UPF - Australia
Melbourne, Australia - The UPF commemoration of the UN International Day of Peace was held at the headquarters of the Federations for World Peace in Victoria.
- Written by: UPF - Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda - The International Day of Peace program at the New Hope Technical Institute on September 24 included prayers, ceremonies, traditional dances, and songs. This was the first time that the UN International Day of Peace was celebrated in the Central District of Kigali.
- Written by: Mai Hsien Chai, Secretary General, UPF-Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan - UPF-Taiwan commemorated the International Day of Peace on September 18 with a seminar on the proposal for an interreligious council at the United Nations co-organized with the Professors World Peace Academy, ROC.
- Written by: Chihiro Midorikawa, President, UPF-Solomon Islands
Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands organized events at two schools in Honiara commemorating the UN International Day of Peace.
- Written by: UPF - Albania
UPF-Albania and the Family Federation for World Peace commemorated the International Day of Peace by distributing school supplies to Roma orphans in Tirana on September 27 and in Shkodra on September 28. Eleven volunteers spent a month raising the funds to purchase the supplies.
- Written by: UPF - Finland
Helsinki, Finland - A seminar on “Peace and democracy - Let your voice be heard!” took place on September 21 in Helsinki featuring speakers from the Loviisa Peace Forum and the Women's Federation for World Peace.
- Written by: Rahman Ali “Jawed,” Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission-Kabul Office
Kabul, Afghanistan - UPF members met in Kabul to commemorate the International Day of Peace with a recitation from the Qur'an, speeches and a concert of Afghan music.
- Written by: UPF - Congo
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo - Over 400 people attended the celebration of the International Day of Peace in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation on September 21. Participants included Ambassadors for Peace, state officials, representatives of international organizations and local NGOs, representatives of churches, students, the media, and members of the police.
- Written by: HENYON Kokou, UPF - Togo
Lome and Kara, Togo - To commemorate the International Day of Peace, UPF-Togo organized two conferences on September 21: one in Lome, the capital, attended by 350 people, and the other in the region of Kara attended by 150 people.
- Written by: Dominique Li, Women's Federation for World Peace-Mauritius
Quatre Bornes, Mauritius - The Women's Federation for World Peace organized a celebration of the International Day of Peace at the Municipal Hall of Quatre Bornes on September 18. Participants included parents, sponsored children, WFWP members and tutors, and special guests including government officials, educators, religious leaders, and NGO representatives.
- Written by: Oliver Lane, UPF-Perth, Scotland
Perth, Scotland - UPF-Scotland held a UN International Day of Peace event on September 20 in Queen’s Hotel in Perth.
- Written by: UPF - Slovenia
Ljubljana-Škofljica, Slovenia - On September 21, UPF-Slovenia celebrated the International Day of Peace with a discussion of the peace principles and mission of the Universal Peace Federation was followed by music.
- Written by: UPF - Honduras
Tegucigalpa, Honduras - Ambassadors for Peace met inTegucigalpa to commemorate the International Day of Peace on September 21.
- Written by: UPF - Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Three International Day of Peace events took place in Sao Paulo: a celebration at the Pateo do Colegio on September 21, the inauguration of a Peace Monument at the Youth Park on September, and a Festival of Nations on September 24.
- Written by: UPF - Nigeria
UPF-Nigeria organized commemorations of the International Day of Peace in the states of Plateau, Taraba and Abuja in the latter part of September 2011, seeking to defuse the violence that has plagued areas of the nation.
- Written by: UPF - Guyana
Georgetown, Guyana - There was standing room only as more than 100 persons attended the International Day of Peace Program hosted by the Guyana Chapter of UPF. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds gave the keynote speech.
- Written by: UPF - Canada
Montreal, Canada - UPF-Canada's commemoration of the International Day of Peace in Montreal on Sept. 22, 2011, featured readings and reflections from several religious traditions.
- Written by: UPF - Slovakia
Nitra, Slovakia - UPF-Slovakia organized a program with students in two schools to make Peace Cards to increase awareness of the UN International Day of Peace and to raise funds to support the schools.
- Written by: UPF - Dominican Republic
Barahona, Dominican Republic - UPF-Dominican Republic organized a commemoration of the International Day of Peace on September 21 at the Regional University Center in Barahona.
- Written by: UPF-Russia
To commemorate the International Day of Peace, UPF-Russia organized the project “Run Hour” on September 18 in Moscow, Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov on the Don River, Vladivostok, and Yekaterinburg. A "We Support Peace" run took place in St. Petersburg the same day. These projects promoted the ideals of the International Day of Peace as well as a healthy and moral lifestyle, family values, and cooperation.