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United Nations Relations

As an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Universal Peace Federation promotes interfaith understanding, sustainable development, strengthening of marriage and family, mediation of conflict, the empowerment of women and the revitalization of the UN. UPF supports the goals of the UN with programs on occasions such as:

Kondopoga, Russia - A Festival of Spiritual Music took place on February 4 supported by the municipal government of Kondopoga and the Consultative Council of Relations with National and Religious Associations. It was also an event in honor of the Interfaith Harmony Week proclaimed by the UN General Assembly.

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Moscow, Russia - A “Play Football Make Peace” youth tournament took place at the Moskvich Sports Palace on January 30 with teams representating different religions playing not only for prizes but also to build friendships across barriers of religion, culture, and nationality.

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Novosibirsk, Russia - A meeting on the theme of "Love of God and your neighbor as the foundation of world peace" took place in the center of Russia on February 6. The 40 participants included leaders and representatives of various NGOs, religions, traditions, and beliefs.

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Yekaterinburg, Russia - In the comfortable hall of the Writers’ House in Yekaterinburg, representatives of different religions and spiritual groups met on February 6. This time it was a joint prayer for peace and mutual understanding in support of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week.

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Nitra, Slovakia - On the occasion of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week established by UN to be observed the first week of February each year, UPF-Slovakia and the Old Catholic Church of Slovakia held a joint prayer and worship service in the Old Catholic Church in Nitra on February 6.

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Honiara, Solomon Islands - UPF-Solomon Islands sponsored an interfaith forum to commemorate the UN's World Interfaith Harmony Week on January 28. Three guest speakers were invited from different faiths to share a brief introduction to their faith and their thoughts about interfaith harmony.

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Anse-la-Raye, St. Lucia - Six youth representatives of four different religious denominations met together to prepare for the February 6 meeting about Interfaith Harmony. They prepared the agenda, the program and the organization of the meeting.

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Bienne, Switzerland - In commemoration of World Interfaith Harmony Week, a marriage renewal ceremony in Bienne on Jan. 23, 2011, highlighted the pivotal role of marriage in creating a culture of peace.

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Taipei, Taiwan - In connection with the “World Interfaith Harmony Week,” UPF-Taiwan held a seminar entitled “Interfaith Cooperation for Peace: Theory and Practice” on January 22 featuring Christian and Buddhist speakers.

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Washington, DC, USA - The UPF-DC Office organized an interfaith luncheon program under the theme of the “Interfaith Cooperation and Universal Peace” on February 24. The program was co-sponsored by The Washington Times Foundation and held in the Beech Room of The Washington Times building.

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Paramaribo, Suriname - UPF-Suriname held a forum on the family in Paramaribo on Feb. 1, 2011 to launch World Interfaith Harmony Week.

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Kiev, Ukraine - A meeting of Ambassadors for Peace related to the Week of Interfaith Harmony took place on January 27. The meeting was attended by 20 Ambassadors for Peace. Among the participants were members of grass-roots organizations and representatives of business and education spheres.

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Observances of the newly-established UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, the first week of February, were organized by UPF in 19 nations.

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The Universal Peace Federation affirms the value of the family as the core unit of society. The family has formed the basis for communities, societies and civilizations throughout the ages. Virtually all the world’s religions teach the sacred value of marriage and family. The family is the school of love. It is also the school of virtue, ethics and citizenship.

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The International Day of Families, May 15, is celebrated at the United Nations headquarters and around the world. The Universal Peace Federation joins in commemorating this day because it considers the family as a microcosm of the global community and because sustainable peace is grounded in the family as the most intimate social unit, the school of love and peace.

For 2016, the UN chose the theme "Families, Healthy Lives and Sustainable Future." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said: "Families are on the frontlines of our global efforts to realize the bold and inclusive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They are particularly essential to achieving SDG3, in which all United Nations Member States committed to promoting healthy lives and wellbeing for all at all ages."

UPF Statement on Families

Programs may include:


United Nations Site on the International Day of Families
Fun Family Activities
Fact-finding challenge/treasure hunt
Other organizations dedicated to strengthening marriage and family

Korçë, Albania—UPF co-sponsored a conference titled "Family, Between Values and Challenges."

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Peru—UPF-Peru organized various events through the month of June.

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Birmingham, United Kingdom—Different faiths, cultures, nationalities and ages were represented.

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Lima, Peru—UPF-Peru celebrated the UN International Day of Families on May 31, 2023, focusing on the theme “Demographic Trends and Families.”

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UPF International—The world just reached a record population height of eight billion and yet many countries are distressed with their extremely low fertility rates.

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London, United Kingdom—Nearly 50 participants commemorated International Day of Families.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina paid tribute to 10 couples married for 26 to 56 years during their 15th celebration of the UN International Day of Families.

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Oslo, Norway—UPF observed International Day of Families with a lecture on the benefits to society of healthy families.

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Montevideo, Uruguay—UPF-Uruguay celebrated UN International Day of Families 2023 with the theme “Family as the Foundation of Society.”

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Donate to the Religious Youth Service (RYS): Your donation will be used for service projects around the world.

Donate to UPF's Africa Projects: Your donation will be used for projects in Africa.