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United Nations Relations

As an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Universal Peace Federation promotes interfaith understanding, sustainable development, strengthening of marriage and family, mediation of conflict, the empowerment of women and the revitalization of the UN. UPF supports the goals of the UN with programs on occasions such as:

Phnom Penh, Cambodia - UPF-Cambodia celebrated the International Day of Families together with Malaysian and Cambodian students at the Cambodian Mekong University campus in Phnom Penh on May 15-16 in conjunction with the International Youth Leadership Conference on the theme of “Creating One Global Family.”

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Beirut, Lebanon - UPF-Lebanon invited Ambassadors for Peace and friends for an event on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Families on May 15. Approximately 40 persons responded to the invitation and came to the Palm Beach Hotel in Beirut on a fine spring evening.

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Commemorations of the UN International Day of Families took place in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Tver, Vladivostok, and Yekaterinburg. Events included lectures, service projects, and a fashion show.

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London, United Kingdom - The UN International Day of Families was supported by an enthusiastic, interfaith audience revealing the universal interest and concern for the family. There were presentations on "Preparation and Early Support for Family Life" from Christian, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Jain and Unificationists as well as an explanation of the value of Couple Relationship Education.

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Kathmandu, Nepal - “That’s a very nice way to frame the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals,” Ram Babu Shah, the head of the UN’s Information Center in Nepal said about the theme of the International Day of Families celebration: “Creating a World of Peace, One Family at a Time.”

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The UN resolution establishing the Global Day of Parents, June 1, recognizes the role of parents in the rearing of children and invites Member States to celebrate the Day in full partnership with civil society, particularly involving young people and children.

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New York, USA - New York City Council members, community leaders, local pastors, and musicians gathered in the art gallery of the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., State Office Building in Harlem on July 20 to honor the nine New York winners of the 19th Annual Parents' Day awards, all local parents who had made heroic efforts to nurture their children and the children of others.

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Durrës, Albania—An event celebrating the family also awarded 22 Ambassador for Peace certificates.

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Geneva, Switzerland—UPF and affiliated organizations held a conference at the UN to promote the importance of parents.

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Lima, Peru—UPF-Peru, IAPP and Congressman Dr. José Alberto Arriola Tueros jointly celebrated the UN World Parents Day.

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UPF International—On September 17, 2012, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/292 proclaiming June 1 to be the annual Global Day of Parents.

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UPF International—UPF took the opportunity during the UN Global Day of Parents to discuss parents’ critical role in raising children well adapted to contribute to society.

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Peru—More than 350 participants joined UPF-Peru’s live online broadcast of its UN 2021 Global Day of Parents forum on May 28.

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Prague, Czech Republic—“The Irreplaceable Role of Parents” was the topic of an online conference.

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Africa—UPF-Africa’s second “Peace Talks” webinar had as its theme “From Global Parents Day to Global Heavenly Parent Day, the World at a Crossroads: The Need for a Paradigm Shift.”

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UPF-USA, United States—In commemoration of the UN Global Day of Parents, UPF-USA held a web conference titled “Role of Parents for Sustainable Development and World Peace.”

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New Delhi, India—UPF-India celebrated the UN Global Day of Parents 2020 by organizing a virtual conference on “Parental Love is the Key to Combating COVID-19,” with several hundred participants.

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Moscow, Russia—UPF commemorated the UN Global Day of Parents 2020 with an online interview of a prominent children’s rights official.

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New York, United States—A UN panel affirmed the essential role of mothers and fathers for children’s well-being and building good societies.

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Lima, Peru—UPF-Peru celebrated the Global Day of Parents by organizing a forum, which was attended by 300 people.

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New York, United States—UPF co-sponsored an event at United Nations headquarters commemorating Global Day of Parents 2018.

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Novosibirsk, Russia—The 2017 UN Global Day of Parents was celebrated together with International Children’s Day, a holiday that is very dear to Russians.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Members of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Council signed the “Honoring Life” statement in support of the 2017 Global Day of Parents. 

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New York, United States—The essential role of parents and family cohesion in ensuring children’s well-being was discussed at a program held at the United Nations.

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