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United Nations Relations

As an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Universal Peace Federation promotes interfaith understanding, sustainable development, strengthening of marriage and family, mediation of conflict, the empowerment of women and the revitalization of the UN. UPF supports the goals of the UN with programs on occasions such as:

New York, USA - At the opening of the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly in Sept. 2012, UPF leaders met with delegations from Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Mali, and Egypt.

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Ryazan, Russia - The Ryazan Regional Children’s Library hosted a celebration of the International Day of Friendship, July 27 for adults and children representing different nationalities and faiths. The children made drawings on the theme of friendship, which were displayed at the library, and enjoyed music, dancing, and poetry.

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Vienna, Austria - A conference on “Culture as a Basic Element for Sustainable Development and Human Rights” took place at the Vienna International Centre July 6, 2012.

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London, England - "We are the product of 14 1/2 billion years of evolution, but the next 14 1/2 years will prove if we are viable as a species,"' stated Lawrence Bloom at a World Environment Day program in London on June 4, 2010.

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New York, USA - The Week of Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, Oct. 20-28, 2011, focused on visionary leadership as a key to solve the challenges facing the United Nations and the world.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina - Under the motto “Life Is the Art of Meeting,” UPF-Argentina celebrated International Friendship Day at the Peace Embassy in Buenos Aires on Aug. 5, 2011.

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Ialoveni, Moldova - A seminar for educators on “The Family for Peace and Human Development” took place on the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Nov. 24, 2011.

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UPF applauds the UN and the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012, to address problems linked to unsustainable economic models.

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Paris, France - A European Leadership Conference took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris April 12-13, 2012, with the theme "A New Vision for Peace and Human Development."

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New York, USA - “Women and the World at a Turning Point”, a parallel event of the UN’s 55th Commission on the Status of Women was held at the Nigeria House on March 2, 2011, hosted by H.E. Mrs. Joy Ogwu, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the UN.

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Moscow, Russia - A  UPF-Eurasia conference on “Solidarity as a Fundamental Value of Humankind in the 21st Century” was related to International Human Solidarity Day, Dec. 17, 2011

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Sydney, Australia - In celebration of the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures, about 70 people gathered at the Oceania Peace Embassy for an Iraqi Cultural Evening.

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Tallinn, Estonia - Grandparents, parents and children attended a Universal Children's Day program at the Peace Embassy in Tallinn on Nov. 20, 2011.

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New York, USA - The Committee of Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns honored the UN’s designation of 2010 as the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures in a week of events Oct. 22-28, 2010, that explored the UN's commitment to peaceful resolutions of international issues.

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UPF organized a national day of mobilization for peace in Benin on June 12, 2008 in support of the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina - "Life Is the Art of Encounter" is the motto under which UPF-Argentina celebrated the UN International Friendship Day on July 30 with an intercultural and artistic event at the Peace Embassy in Buenos Aires. The event included presenting the awards of the Drawing and Painting Contest, which UPF organized together with Affinnerity.

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Geneva, Switzerland - The 8th Youth Summit on Human Rights took place in Geneva August 26-28 on the theme “to create leaders through human rights education."

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Novosibirsk, Russia - UPF-Siberia organized a celebration of the spring equinox and the rejuvenation of nature on the first UN International Day of Navruz, March 21, 2011.

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Tbilisi, Georgia - School presentations and an interracial football tournament in Tbilisi on March 19, 2011 marked the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

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Moscow, Russia - In line with the UN proclamation of 2010 as the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures, the Moscow House of Nationalities Youth Department developed a program called “Dialogue of cultures” under the guidance of Kristina Volkova. UPF-Russia's International Department Director Dima Oficerov was invited to participate in their yurt camp entitled “World without corners.”

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Seebenstein, Austria - Responding to the announcement of the UN which declared 2010 as the “Year of the Rapprochement of Cultures,” UPF-Austria invited experts to speak on a variety of topics representing different cultures of the world.

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Dushanbe, Tajikistan - On June 1, the Tajik branch of the Universal Peace Federation held a meeting of Ambassadors for Peace dedicated to the anniversary of the establishment of the International Children's Day. Ambassadors for Peace talked about their work to promote the wellbeing of children.

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Stuttgart, Germany - UPF in Stuttgart, Germany, was inspired that the UN declared this year the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures and decided to dedicate its annual intercultural event to this motto.

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UN Headquarters, New York - The Permanent Mission of Iraq hosted a luncheon on March 5, 2012 with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as keynote speaker on the theme of “The Role of the Secretary-General and the UN in the Empowerment of Women.”

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