UPF Today: December 2009
Русский (Russian) PDF (6.8MB)

UPF Today: October 2009
English PDF (3.5MB) Spanish/Español PDF (3.5mb) Arabic/العربية PDF (1.2mb)
- One Day for Peace, by Joy Pople, celebrated with peace prayers and service and cultural programs (English)
- UPF Peace Declaration (English, Español)
- International Day of Peace Seminar on Disarmament in Switzerland, by Carolyn Handschin (English, Français) and in other countries (English, Español)
- Global Citizen of Peace, by Michael Balcomb (English, Español)
- Bringing Cultures Together in Kanagawa and Mie, Japan by Shunsuke Uotani (English)
- Sports, Peace, and Family Celebrated in Spain, by Mark Brann (English, Español, Français)
- Mindanao Tribal Leaders' Summit, by Robert Kittel (English)
- Celebrating the Colors of Peace in Canada, by Alan Wilding (English)
- Russia Hosts International Youth Dialogue, by Dmitry Oficerov (English, Español)
- Summer Projects in the Urals and Baikal Region (English, Español)
- Practical Plans to Help Afghanis, by Marilyn Angelucci (English)
- Leadership Seminar in West Africa, by Paterne Zinsou (English)
Unicamente en UPF Hoy:
- En Corea, una visión interconfesional de la paz
- Celebraciones del Día Internacional de la Paz: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela
- Celebraciones del Día Internacional de las Familias: Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, Venezuela
- Festival Cultural de Paz en Parguay
- Concurso poético: Himno a la reconciliación
- Gira por la Paz en Brasil
- La Iniciativa de paz de Mindanao, Filipinas
UPF Today: September 2009
Русский (Russian) PDF (4.5MB) Français PDF (1.6MB)
UPF Today: July 2009
English PDF (1.7MB) Spanish/Español PDF (2.5mb)
- World Summit on Peace, Korea
Becoming Global Citizens of Peace (English, Español, Français, Arabic), by UPF-International
- A Culture of Service (Español), by Neil Bush
- The Family as an Instrument of Peace, by Geetha Rajan
- Spiritual Values as a Foundation for Leadership, by Gabriel Messan Agbeyome Kodjo
- Being with People Who Strive for Peace, by Mohammad Yusuf bin Pengiran Abdul Rahim
- A Better Future, by Falak Al-Jamani
- Promoting Reconciliation, by Hasan Muratovic
- Peace Will Not Come by Force, by Fauzia Assifi
- Climbing Everest One Step at a Time (English, Español, Français), by Gokul Thapa
- Honoring the International Year of Reconciliation (English, Français), by UPF-Austria
- 20 Years Since the Fall of the Iron Curtain (English), by Mag. Elisabeth Cook & Peter Haider
- Global Peace Tour 2009 events
- Seychelles Global Citizen, Autobiography of Sir James Mancham (English, Español)
UPF Today: May 2009
English PDF Russian / Русский PDF (3mb)
Korean/한국 PDF (6mb)
- Philippines - Mindanao Peace Initiative Launched (English, Español, Français), by UPF-Philippines
- Japan - Global Peace Initiative Promoted in Japan (English, Español), by UPF-Japan
- Russia - UPF Moscow Considers a New Philosophy of Peace (English, Español), by Jacques Marion
- Nepal - UPF Principles and the Drafting of the Nepal Constitution (English), by Dr. Robert S. Kittel
- Israel - GPF Haifa on the "Holiday of Holidays" (English, Español), by Hod Ben Zvi
- Lebanon - A Weekend of Service for Lebanese Youth (English, Español), by Thomas Schellen
- MDGs and the Role of Women (English, Français), by Genie Kagawa
- Kenya - Youth Summit Draws Impressive Attendance (English, Español), by Shelby Jennings
- Malaysia - Malaysian Children Raise Funds for Children in Gaza (English, Español), by UPF Malaysia
- France - Former Secretary-General Says UN Must Change (English), by Laurent Ladouce
- UK - New Vision Amid Economic Crisis (English, Français), by Robin Marsh
UPF Today: January 2009
English PDF
- Interfaith Discussion of Human Rights at the UN (English, Español, Français), by Genie Kagawa
- Religious Youth Call for Action, Not Just Words (English, Español, Français), by UPF-International
- Philippines - Global Leaders Endorse "One Big Family Under God" (English, Español, Français), by Leonard D. Postrado, Manila Bulletin
- Brazil - Ecumenical Vision Takes Root in the Americas (English), by Michael Balcomb
- Solomon Islands - Making a Model Nation of Peace in Oceania (English), by Greg Stone
- Japan - Fifty Thousand Stand Up for Peace in Tokyo (English), by Hiroyuki Koshoji
- Korea - Renewed Hope for Korean Reunification (English), by Ricardo de Sena
- UK - Promoting Spiritual Values and Peace (English), by Joy Pople
- Malaysia - Malaysia Aspires to Be the World Capital of Peace (English), by James Poon
- Albania - The World Is Our One Home (English), by GPF-Albania
- Moldova - Festival Bridges East and West (English), by Ronald Koonce and Meg Giassi
- South Caucasus Peace Initiative (English, Español, Français), by Jacques Marion
- Russia - In Memoriam: Eduard Yakovlev (English, Español, Français), by Vladimir Petrovsky
- The Americas - UN International Day of Peace Reports (English, Español, Français), by UPF-International