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United Nations Relations

As an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Universal Peace Federation promotes interfaith understanding, sustainable development, strengthening of marriage and family, mediation of conflict, the empowerment of women and the revitalization of the UN. UPF supports the goals of the UN with programs on occasions such as:

Dhaka, Bangladesh - The UPF, the Women's Federation for World Peace, and the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Dhaka jointly organized a seminar on the International Day of Families titled “Ensuring Work Family Balance.” The seminar was attended by about 50 people, including religious leaders, educators, social workers, and student leaders. It was held on May 25 at the Dhaka Sundarban Hotel.

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Asuncion, Paraguay - An International Day of Families observance took place at the Gran Hotel del Paraguay in Asuncion on May 15.

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Madrid, Spain - An International Day of Families program on May 20 at the Peace Embassy in Madrid attracted young people, couples, and Ambassadors for Peace. It was an international group, with 24 participants from Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Germany, the US, and Spain.

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UPF-Germany observed the International Day of Families with two forums. On May 15 in Frankfurt, three presentations that included religious perspectives were followed by a lively panel discussion with many questions and comments from the floor. At the end, three-generation families received certificates of honor. In Stuttgart, a May 12 forum on "The Significant Role of the Family for the Individual and Society" featured speakers with historical perspectives about family policies in the Soviet Union and the Council of Europe. Young musicians entertained the audience.

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Istanbul, Turkey - The International Day of Families was observed at a forum in Istanbul on May 15. Speakers included two professors from Bosphorus University, one from Yeditepe University, and UPF representative Sevil Naghshbandi. Each covered a different aspect of the family.

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International Day of Families programs took place in Ziguinchor on May 15 and Dakar on May 19. Approximately 270 participants attended the Dakar program in a school that is under construction.

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UPF organized International Day of Families events during May in Kinshasa and Kinzau Mvete, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Kabul, Afghanistan - UPF Ambassadors for Peace celebrated the International Day of Families in Kabul on May 17. Around 200 people from across the population segments attended this marvelous event at the Bakhtar Institute for Higher Education.

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Kigali, Rwanda - UPF-Rwanda Chapter held a commemoration of the International Day of Families at the Alpha Palace Hotel in Kigali on May 19. In the conference Hall were more than 150 people from different walks of life, including politicians, religious leaders, business entrepreneurs, academicians, artists, and ordinary people.

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Nairobi, Kenya - UPF-Kenya and its network of Ambassadors for Peace and families hosted a celebration of the UN International Day of Families in Nairobi on May 15 with a wide variety of cultural events, educational speeches, and activities.

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Seoul, Korea - An International Day of Families program for diplomats took place at the Unificationism building in Seoul on May 19.

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Kingston, Jamaica - On Mothers’ Day, May 13, UPF-Jamaica hosted a program at the UPF Lecture Hall in keeping with the United Nations Declaration of May 15 as the International Day of Families. The theme was "Balancing Spirituality and Practical Affairs in the Family."

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Kiev, Ukraine - An International Day of Families program took place in the children’s home “Malyatko” in Kiev on May 19 by the efforts of UPF volunteers. Fifteen children participated, along with their teachers and six UPF volunteers.

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Lusaka, Zambia - An International Day of Families event took place at the Peace Embassy in Lusaka with more than 65 participants from different walks of life, including clergymen, teachers, students, Ambassadors for Peace, and married couples.

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Freetown, Sierra Leone - UPF-Sierra Leone organized an observance of the International Day of Families in Freetown on May 15 with the theme: “Balancing Private and Public Responsibilities within the Family.” The theme drew the attention of participants from all walks of life.

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Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo - A program on the theme of Balancing Work and Family took place at the Hotel Hilary in Pointe-Noire on May 15. Among the 150 guests were top executives of UNICEF and United Nations Population Fund, a bishop of the Old Catholic Church, diplomats, government officials, and representatives of numerous civil society associations.

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Bamako, Mali - A workshop about HIV/AIDS took place at the mayor's hall in Banankabougou on May 15.

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Kehlen, Luxembourg - A program on the theme of balancing spirituality and practical affairs in the family took place on May 13  to celebrate the International Day of Families. It was emceed by Brigitte Sillitoe.

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Bangkok, Thailand - UPF-Thailand and the Family Federation for World Peace-Thailand celebrated the International Day of Families in Bangkok on May 13.

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Helsinki, Finland - Some 50 persons of all ages, many nationalities, and cultures gathered together in Helsinki to recognize and celebrate the yearly International Day of Families. The theme was ”Balancing Spirituality and Practical Affairs in the Family.”

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Georgetown, Guyana - Over 150 persons people attended an observance of the UN International Day of Families at the Family Federation chapel in Georgetown on May 15. The extra persons were accomodated under a tent erected on the lawn.

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Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire -  The UN International Day of Families was commemorated on May 16 in the City Hall of Plateau, Abidjan, with the theme “Balance between Work and Family.” More than 230 people from all areas of Abidjan and from all ranks of society joined to celebrate family values.

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Reykjavik, Iceland - In collaboration with the city of Reykjavik and many organizations, mainly national groups from countries around the world, UPF-Iceland participated in a parade followed by an exhibition at the town hall of Reykjavik on May 12.

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Chisinau, Moldova - A Festival of Families on the theme of Happy Families - Happy Nation took place in Chisinau's Central District City Hall on May 15.

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