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United Nations Relations

As an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Universal Peace Federation promotes interfaith understanding, sustainable development, strengthening of marriage and family, mediation of conflict, the empowerment of women and the revitalization of the UN. UPF supports the goals of the UN with programs on occasions such as:

Yekaterinburg, Russia - As part of the International Women's Day in Yekaterinburg, the workshop on family values ​​"Family – the school of love” took place March 9 – 10, 2014.

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New Delhi, India - A half-day seminar on March 5 inaugurated a College Peace Club at Miranda House College and marked International Women's Day 2014.

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Novosibirsk, Russia - The Siberian Peace Council met March 7 in honor of International Women’s Day to share their views about the role of women in peace education for the community.

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - "Inspiring Change" was the theme of a UN International Women's Day program at the Peace Embassy in Petaling Jaya on March 8. Ms Wong May Syn gave a talk about “Self-Development and the Art of Being Happy.”

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Lima, Peru - For the third consecutive year, UPF-Peru the UN International Women’s Day in the Congress of the Republic, in Lima, Peru on March 7, 2014. Congressman Dr. Yonhy Lescano Ancieta again cosponsored this meeting, which focused on the challenges and successes of women.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina - Women were recognized for their contributions in different areas in the celebration of their International Day by UPF-Argentina and the Women’s Federation for World Peace on March 13 in Buenos Aires. The meeting included speeches, artistic performances, cake cutting, and a toast as a tribute to all women.

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Toronto, Canada - “Girls Growing up Free of Violence: Promoting Recognition, Equality and Respect” was the theme of an International Women's Day observance on March 15, 2014, in Toronto.

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Stuttgart, Germany - An audience of 25 gathered in Stuttgart, Germany on March 8 to hear a presentation sponsored by the Women’s Federation for World Peace on the topic “The Role of Women Throughout the Ages.” The presentation was held in the premises of UPF.

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Tallinn, Estonia - On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2014 UPF Estonia held an event on March 8. The program consisted of a musical presentation and presentations given by three speakers on the topic of “The Role of Women in Estonia/Ireland/Korea.”

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London, UK - "Inspiring Change" was the theme of the International Women's Day observance that took on March 12 at the House of Lords, hosted by Rt. Hon. Baroness Verma, under secretary of state for energy and climate change. Speakers included Baroness Meral Ece-Hussein.

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Kathmandu, Nepal - Food was served to aged widows, men and women as well as children displaced by conflict on March 8, 2013, in observance of International Women's Day.

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UPF chapters in Afghanistan, Austria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Suriname, UK, and US organized commemorations of International Women's Day, March 8, 2013.

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Kabul, Afghanistan - The leaders of Aims Peace Village Organization with the support of the UPF core members celebrated the International Day of Women in cooperation with the Afghanistan Independent Human Right Commission (AIHRC). Aims Peace Village Organization celebrated this event in a large gathering on March 10, as they were preparing for that for a month.

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Abuja, Nigeria - UPF-Nigeria organized a discussion at the National Merit Award House in Abuja on March 27, 2013, to commemorate the UN Day of Remembrance of Slavery Victims and International Women's Day.

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Toronto, Canada - "Women Standing Up to Violence: Finding Ways through with Hope and Connections" was the theme of a conference in Toronto on March 23.

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Washington DC, USA - An International Women's Day program on the theme of ”The Era of Women: Leadership, Ownership and Compassion” took place at the Washington Times Building on March 28.

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Lima, Peru - A celebration of International Women's Day took place in the former Senators' Room in the Congress on March 8. Speakers included a representative of the UN and a representative of the Ministry for Women as well as female directors of NGOs. Women from various religions participated in an interfaith water ceremony.

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Paramaribo, Suriname - A program about Domestic Violence took place at at the Ons Huis in Paramaribo on March 8, International Women's Day. There were 35 participants, 30 women and 5 men The evening opened with the national anthem and prayer.

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UPF-Russia organized programs in Moscow and Novosibirsk in commemoration of International Women's Day 2013.

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Vienna, Austria - A conference on Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century: The Prevention of Violence against Women and Femicide took place at the Vienna International Center on March 28, 2013.

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Tallinn, Estonia - UPF-Estonia held an event on the occasion of the International Women's Day on March 8. The total number of attendees was 15, most of them women Ambassadors for Peace.

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Stuttgart, Germany - The Women’s Federation for World Peace celebrated the UN International Women’s Day 2013 with an event entitled ‘Women for Peace - yesterday and today’ on March 9. The event, which attracted 31 women, was held in the premises of the Stuttgart branch of the Universal Peace Federation.

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London, UK - An observance of UN International Women's Day 2013 was organized by the Universal Peace Federation and its friends and supporting organizations on March 13 in the House of Commons, hosted by Mr. Virendra Sharma MP.

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"Empower Women, End Hunger and Poverty" was the theme of observances in 14 nations of International Women's Day, March 8, 2012.

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